“Middle Earth is a 3D film making environment of film making excellence, rich in imagination facilitating diverse culture’s vision (their tino rangatiratanga and unique cultural sovereignty of culture) and their vibrantly entertaining expression in 3D film. Middle Earth is rich in acceptance of others’ difference & a film making haven of World Peace”–Horiwood, 2020′s.
“In 3D, all nations are created equal, in Wellywood film making practices, imagination, execution and delivery of film production excellence.”–Abe Lincoln and Horiwood.
A film is not a film, unless it is made in the Spirit of the experimental filmmaker–Len Lye, filmic artist, Taranaki.
In New Zealand we collaborate and create the world’s next array of Super Heroes in 3D, with powerful messages of good that impact and change the global consciousness and future direction of the world, through Kiwi made pop culture in cinema, merchandising, music soundtracks and entertainment distribution–2020′s
Writes Barry Glibb of the :
“Perhaps unemployed Americans should move to New Zealand to become underpaid production assistants for all these movies.”–Barry was responding to: “JAMES CAMERON’S AVATAR SOARS AHEAD ON WINGS OF HOBBIT LAW CHANGE”
A response: HORIWOOD – What a great idea Barry. The lifestyle that nature has to offer Americans, when not on set in New Zealand – is accessible to all – and would more than make up for any pay cuts.
Also, travel – let’s all people grow up and learn, outside their own cultural frames of reference.
It shows security within peoples own sense of identity, when Americans become a minority on distant shores and blend with the world too. Happily.
In New Zealand, people like dialogue, (not one-sided cultural monologue–so Americans will be more than fine in that switch and exchange). Exciting.
With New Zealand’s potential to attract Bollywood and China to New Zealand landscapes to film musicals and action films in NZ too in 3D in the future, the Americans who do make early inroads into NZ 3D filmmaking NOW – will be set with work for life.
NZ is going to become busy. A globally sought after 3D filmmaking nation. How New Zealanders welcome warmly diverse cultures of the world and overseas actors and crew members too (including those from Hollywood, Bollywood, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Dubai, Russia, UK–every now and again–France), will determine the return rate of these nations to NZ as a filmmaking nation. As far as America is concerned (Avatar’s record breaking success as Hollywood’s leading film of all time box office history), New Zealand is a culturally friendly place for Americans to work and conquer from, with a Hollywood-Wellywood partnership.
Conclusion: Your blog Barry, is rocking, albeit as minimalist as it is, I enjoyed the guide to your twitter account. Thanks for commenting. Incidentally New Zealand has 5% more women than men in its total population, so there’s a few girls that wouldn’t mind marrying an American crew member and sharing citizenship and beach views like no other. A lot to look forward to, aye?!
Wellywood is the box office winning 3D Film Franchises Haven of the film making world. Those who find success with their franchises, will all own homes in New Zealand on beach fronts and live there for most of the year. Their kids will be raised there. It’s the new more-relaxed mecca of box office power players, that can deliver proven results. Well, in 2020, this will be so–Wellywood is the World’s 3D Mecca. It is Middle Earth. A meeting place in The Middle for all cultures to realize the cinematic visions, without culture being compromised in the film making process. New Zealand is a culturally rich haven, paradise nation for this to occur for 3D film makers across the globe. Good change ahead in Middle Earth.
I like your thinking Barry, where yes, film crew getting roughed around in Hollywood should move to NZ. Why not! NZ is a nation based on immigrants who joined the Indigenous Maori People, so as one of them, NZ can handle you bonding with us Maori-Kiwi lot. It’s how we came to be as a nation, just like America.
Incidentally how any nation has treated their Indigenous Peoples, is the barometer of all human rights relations in the world. It’s the gage of whether other cultures can be trusted dealing within our shores fairly as nations. So as a Maori-Kiwi if you want to move to NZ, I say… Go for it! Get on board brother. More studios other than WETA will spring up in New Zealand too, in order to handle the demand and keep a fair and competitive 3D filmmaking industry occurring in NZ. The economic possibilities are exciting.

[Images - Costume Design worthy -runway fashions - China in Tokyo & Indian sari]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood Caifornia
“Middle Earth is a 3D film making environment of film making excellence, rich in imagination facilitating diverse culture’s vision (their tino rangatiratanga and unique cultural sovereignty of culture) and their vibrantly entertaining expression in 3D film. Middle Earth is rich in acceptance of others’ difference & a film making haven of World Peace”–Horiwood, 2020′s.
“In 3D, all nations are created equal, in Wellywood film making practices, imagination, execution and delivery of film production excellence.”–Abe Lincoln and Horiwood.
A film is not a film, unless it is made in the Spirit of the experimental filmmaker–Len Lye, filmic artist, Taranaki.
In New Zealand we collaborate and create the world’s next array of Super Heroes in 3D, with powerful messages of good that impact and change the global consciousness and future direction of the world, through Kiwi made pop culture in cinema, merchandising, music soundtracks and entertainment distribution–2020′s
Writes Barry Glibb of the :
“Perhaps unemployed Americans should move to New Zealand to become underpaid production assistants for all these movies.”–Barry was responding to: “JAMES CAMERON’S AVATAR SOARS AHEAD ON WINGS OF HOBBIT LAW CHANGE”
A response: HORIWOOD – What a great idea Barry. The lifestyle that nature has to offer Americans, when not on set in New Zealand – is accessible to all – and would more than make up for any pay cuts.
Also, travel – let’s all people grow up and learn, outside their own cultural frames of reference.
It shows security within peoples own sense of identity, when Americans become a minority on distant shores and blend with the world too. Happily.
In New Zealand, people like dialogue, (not one-sided cultural monologue–so Americans will be more than fine in that switch and exchange). Exciting.
With New Zealand’s potential to attract Bollywood and China to New Zealand landscapes to film musicals and action films in NZ too in 3D in the future, the Americans who do make early inroads into NZ 3D filmmaking NOW – will be set with work for life.
NZ is going to become busy. A globally sought after 3D filmmaking nation. How New Zealanders welcome warmly diverse cultures of the world and overseas actors and crew members too (including those from Hollywood, Bollywood, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Dubai, Russia, UK–every now and again–France), will determine the return rate of these nations to NZ as a filmmaking nation. As far as America is concerned (Avatar’s record breaking success as Hollywood’s leading film of all time box office history), New Zealand is a culturally friendly place for Americans to work and conquer from, with a Hollywood-Wellywood partnership.
Conclusion: Your blog Barry, is rocking, albeit as minimalist as it is, I enjoyed the guide to your twitter account. Thanks for commenting. Incidentally New Zealand has 5% more women than men in its total population, so there’s a few girls that wouldn’t mind marrying an American crew member and sharing citizenship and beach views like no other. A lot to look forward to, aye?!
Wellywood is the box office winning 3D Film Franchises Haven of the film making world. Those who find success with their franchises, will all own homes in New Zealand on beach fronts and live there for most of the year. Their kids will be raised there. It’s the new more-relaxed mecca of box office power players, that can deliver proven results. Well, in 2020, this will be so–Wellywood is the World’s 3D Mecca. It is Middle Earth. A meeting place in The Middle for all cultures to realize the cinematic visions, without culture being compromised in the film making process. New Zealand is a culturally rich haven, paradise nation for this to occur for 3D film makers across the globe. Good change ahead in Middle Earth.
I like your thinking Barry, where yes, film crew getting roughed around in Hollywood should move to NZ. Why not! NZ is a nation based on immigrants who joined the Indigenous Maori People, so as one of them, NZ can handle you bonding with us Maori-Kiwi lot. It’s how we came to be as a nation, just like America.
Incidentally how any nation has treated their Indigenous Peoples, is the barometer of all human rights relations in the world. It’s the gage of whether other cultures can be trusted dealing within our shores fairly as nations. So as a Maori-Kiwi if you want to move to NZ, I say… Go for it! Get on board brother. More studios other than WETA will spring up in New Zealand too, in order to handle the demand and keep a fair and competitive 3D filmmaking industry occurring in NZ. The economic possibilities are exciting.
[Images - Costume Design worthy -runway fashions - China in Tokyo & Indian sari]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood Caifornia
Posted by horiwood on November 2, 2010 in 3D, Abraham Lincoln, Action Stars, America, Art, artist, Bollywood, Canada, Cannes, China, Community, Culture, Directors, Diversity, Dubai, Film Franchises, France, Heat, hobbits, Hong Kong, Human Rights, I have a Dream, India, Japan, Kiwi Pop, Las Vegas, Leadership, London, Lord of The Rings, Maori, Middle East, Native American Indians, Nevada, New Zealand, Opera, Oscars, Paris, Polynesian, Producers, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sundance Film Festival, Super heroes, Taranaki, Theater, Think Green, Thought For Today, Tino Rangatiratanga, Toronto, Tourism, Toys, Trends, UK, Wisdom, Wisdoms Buffet, World Peace
Tags: 2020's PanaVision in 3D, 3D, 3D Film Locations, 3D IT-IP is "Key-We" Heading Towards 2020's, 3D Movie Development Opportunities, 3D Musicals, A Diverse View, A MillionThank Yous, Abraham Lincoln, Accents, Action Stars, America, Architectural Design, Art, artist, Bollywood, Canada, Cannes, China, Combatting Racism, Commonwealth, Community, Composers, Costume Design, Culture, Directors, Diversity, Dubai, Economic Growth Opportunities, Film Crew Stars, Film Franchises, France, Global Theater in 3D Cinema, Heat, hobbits, Hobbitsville Hollywood, Hollywood Maori Kings, Hong Kong, Hori = Maori, Human Rights, I have a Dream, Imagine in New Zealand in 3D, India, Indigenous Peoples - United Nations, Indigenous Thinking, Japan, Kiwi Pop, Kool Kiwis, Krazy Kiwis, Las Vegas, Leadership, Len Lye, London, Lord of The Rings, Maori, Mau Rākau, Middle Earth, Middle Earth Politics, Middle East, Middle Eastern Representation, Native American Indians, Nevada, New Zealand, New Zealand Filmmaking, Nga Puhi Tonu Nui, Ngati Whatua, Ngila Dickson, Opera, Oscars, Pana-Vision, Paris, Polynesian, Polynesian Filmmaking, Pop Culture Commentary, Producers, Projects, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Social Re-Engineering, Songwriters, Sonic Boom of World Peace is the sound of Courage To Love, Star System - The Art of Wellywood Celebrity, Sundance Film Festival, Super heroes, Super Powers Discourse & Direction, Sweetness & Diplomacy, Taranaki, The Costume Institute at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Theater, Think Green, Thought For Today, Tino Rangatiratanga, Tokyo, Top Earners, Top Show Biz Earners, Toronto, Tourism, Toys, Trade, Trends, Tukutuku, UK, Visibility is Credibility, Vision, Wellywood, Wellywood and Auckland Theme Parks, Wisdom, Wisdoms Buffet, World Peace, Youth Economic Opportunities in America