Everyday we were fighting for survival, doing whatever we had to do. We rolled up our sleeves and left our egos at the door.
When we love something, emotion often drives our actions.
This is the gift and the challenge entrepreneurs face every day. The companies we dream of and build from scratch are part of us and intensely personal. They are our families. Our lives.
It was December 23, 2007, just weeks before I returned as ceo, and Michael Dell and I had just finished the 30 mile bike ride we took with a group of friends every morning in Hawaii over the holidays. More than just exercise, these daily rides had become therapeutic for me, especially as Michael and I got in the habit of talking about our individual challenges at work–Howard Schultz shares his love of getting coffee making and selling right from the book Onward.

~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 3.31.11~

Our reluctant hero story of the day, and the politics of this. Here’s a quick snap shot.
Today I read a headline called “Obama Authorized Secret Support for Libyan Rebels” via The Huffington Post in New York.
In very secret order coded wording (that reads like a Hollywood movies scripting), The Post quotes Reuters writing, “President Barack Obama has signed a secret order [called a Presidential finding] authorizing covert U.S. government support for rebel forces seeking to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi, government officials told Reuters on Wednesday. [The findings] are used to authorize secret operations by the Central Intelligence Agency.
It’s only been an entire month, since it was noted that the Libyan Rebels were wearing distressed denim jeans, of a quality that is only made in Los Angeles. Of course, Obama was supporting these rebels! Truckloads of jeans left the USA of designer quality. The jeans were not made in China. Are the Huffington Post blind? Don’t know their jeans?
Libya is an oil and gold rich nation. “Findings” always occur around such nations. “Findings” (Presidentially signed or not) still do not excuse the USA from acting from a position of being fossil fuels addicted (using more oil, coal etc – then any nation should be disproportionately to other nations living more modestly), yet, often America gets involved in nations that are oil or minerals rich. That’s been the pattern of most military deployments of any kind from the US.
Reuters goes on to say, “The United States is part of a coalition, with NATO members and some Arab states, which is conducting air strikes on Libyan government forces under a U.N. mandate aimed at protecting civilians opposing Gaddafi.” That part is the good part. Many nations have committed to this part of the mission too. Now where do the ‘spoils’ of war’s ‘flow’ go to, and are the Libyan people managing these for their own peoples best interests. Raping people of their own resources with a democratic face of what they themselves are the stewards of, is not democracy. There needs to be strong evidence that Libya is about Libyans being emancipated for their own strategic interests. Otherwise, we did Libya little to no favors – and we certainly were not their friend. Read the rest of this entry »

Here’s an example of how social engineering creates a herd instinct, of good influencers, committed to making a difference for the good.
This story about Warren Buffet and Bill Gates rocking out to India recently to influence billionaires in India to join forces and give back to others in need shows how American leaders want to lead the pack of billionaires flow, in powerful ways.
Here’s highlights from the Just Means article on the topic.
“Both Bill Gates and Warren Buffet were in Delhi to urge Indian industrialists to join their . Buffett and Gates held breakfast and lunch meetings with the leader of Indian industry today. This included Adi Godrej of Godrej Industries and Max Group chairman Analjit Singh to discuss with them the scope of philanthropy.
“The Giving Pledge” is about investing in social development. So far, 59 wealthy US citizens have taken the pledge of bettering others. Getting some trickle down effect happening is the goal. India is growing at about 9% a year and has 55 billionaires with an average net worth of $4.5 billion, according to Forbes magazine.
“This makes the the third-largest pool of billionaires after the US and China. On the other hand, nearly 42% of Indians live on less than $1.50 a day, according to the World Bank. Gosh that sounds like an existence of slavery. Shocking. I wonder what the World Bank is doing for these people then? There is a lot of scope therefore, to fix this imbalance in wealth distribution.
Alright, Bill and Warren should move to India then, that’s over 420 million people right there, whose lives they could be devoted to, if they really wanted to fulfill the trust’s mission. Staggering stuff. Gates and Buffet inspire to do something about. To read about a man whose being doing this already for years in India, before Bill and Warren got the idea, go here.
Thanks to Akhila for the words. I wonder what the minimum wage laws, in India are. It’s heartening to see Bill and Warren visit in person (Melinda Gates too). We have so much to be thankful for in the USA.
[Photograph courtesy of California's Children Type Pad.Com]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 3.27.11~

Mining magnate Andrew Twiggy Forrest of Fortescue Metal Group, picked off strong competition as managing to wrestle the top spot in this year’s BRW Executive Rich list, with a bit of drilling, reports the Sydney Morning Herald.
Taking a back seat, Rupert Murdoch, swanned in to the no.2 spot after growing his gazillions to $6.2 billion this year on the back of the resources boom. Earnings from Murdoch’s News Corp shares remained relatively flat during the year, sliding to $5.7 billion from almost $6 billion.
James Packer took the third spot for Crown and Consolidated Media Holdings representation who maintained his wealth at $3.6 billion compared with $3.4 billion last year.
The BRW top 10 richest executives
As I share this news in Hollywood, Americans ask “but mining what? and for who?” I don’t know! That’s Australia’s business!!!
Seriously though, the list includes the top 200 executives of the top 500 publicly listed Australian companies.
[Photo courtesy of Big Pond]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 3.22.11~

He said “You have survived the last two worst years in American history, economically in 100 years. What an amazing Australian you are.”
I said: “I am not an Aussie. My brother is. I’m a Kiwi. Thanks.”
Clearly, Americans need to travel a bit more. :)
Alright, pictured here is Graeme Hart of Kiwiland. He’s a Forbes star every year and has a brills smile. He started out in life as a truck driver. Woot! The entertainment and celebrity news posts most voted by you the people today in the Hollywood hood follow. As always, thank you! Enjoy.
1. Model citizen – Christopher Chandler
2. Aaria music as Art in Hollywood
3. Teen mom, Jenelle Evans
4. Enrique
5. Jennier Lopez has never heard of Ryan Adams
6. Dwayne Johnson is The Rock of Hollywood
7. New York City’s crazy is beneath the surface in tense times
8. Smart Water – Jennifer Aniston makes a video
9. The Stowers inspire
10. A Wikicoup? Regardless, Julia Gillard shines
In people that inspire some more, news – Businessman Graeme Hart is still New Zealand’s richest man, despite dropping 41 places on Forbes magazine’s annual rich list. Mr Hart, 55, was ranked No 185 on the American business magazine’s latest list of world billionaires with a net worth of $US5.5 billion ($NZ7.46 billion).
He was ranked No 144 last year, with $US5.3b. Mr Hart, once a tow-truck driver, owns investment company Rank Group, which runs a global beverage packaging business.
All power to truck drivers doing well is one of his many good messages. Hart managed to make $200 million more this year. Clearly, he’s a bit nuts.
Other celebrity and entertainment news bloggers blogging Hollywood too in the USA are: E!: Hollywood News; Hollywood Reporter; Access Hollywood;Hollywood.Com; ET Online; Deadline.Com; Celebrity Gossip; Young Hollywood.
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 3.10.11~
Hong Kong tycoon Li Ka-shing takes care of a 2010 first-half profit portfolio for port-to-telecoms conglomerate Hutchison Whampoa in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong’s richest man Li Ka-shing has a desire to donate money more frugally into worthy charitable causes in his future. Greater China’s leading mogul continues to expand his global investments portfolio.
Li Ka-shing shelled out $9 billion in a deal for assets that provide power to parts of the U.K. including London.
He is the world’s leading operator of ports handling 14% of global containers. He owns ports as turns on Prince Williams families electricity for them in London. He’s a man with vision. As yet Ka-shing thinks its noble what Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are doing leading people of his wealth bracket to give 50% of their earnings to charities, yet he does not feel a need to sign on as yet, or be American led.
Fair enough. Let’s hope he achieves the charitable dream, within his own heart then. Obviously he’s a wise man.
[Li Ka-shing photo via Forbes.Com]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 3.9.11~

Men who look out for others are always gentleman and leaders.
Microsoft mogul Bill Gates is one such person. The futurist often alternates with his friend Warren Buffet as America’s richest person. Together both have set trends in how wealthy people should behave, creating a momentum of goodness towards others, via people of their wealth bracket who are like minded and like-hearted in their concerns for people on the planet. Because of this, he is a lighthouse of sorts.
Gates has persuaded nearly sixty of the world’s wealthiest entrepreneurs and business people to sign his “Giving Pledge.” Some of these outstanding people feature on Horiwood.Com in between Britney Spears news.
Gates friends all promise to donate the majority of their wealth to charity either during their lifetime or after death.
Bill would rather give away $30 billion to his foundation, than hold the richest person title in the world.
According to Forbes, The Gates Foundation, the world’s most influential charity, tackles tuberculosis and polio and funds famine-resistant crops to fight hunger.
He is calling for “a higher sense of urgency” in AIDS vaccine development and also pushing for better tools to rate teacher performance. This news is off the back that some teachers in US colleges are in a position of cheating student results to get funding. And, in a climate where the sciences and technology (financial management too) are skills of knowledge needing to come to the fore in the USA schooling system.
Gates holds 70% of his wealth in investment fund Cascade, dabbling in everything from autos to hedge funds to Mexican Coke bottler Femsa; the rest of his wealth is held in Microsoft stock.
Beneath his spectacles, this wise and considerate man is quite a guy. To think of farmers who grow crops and to affiliate yourself closely to people who garden and tend the earth, is very smart. Farmers are his people.
[This photo of young Bill Gates, 1977. Apparently his driving wasn't the best when he was young. Lol!]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 3.9.11~

Here’s one simple reason why bloggers love to frame blog posts daily.
You realize when you’re a humble blogger, that it takes all kinds of people to make the world go round.
Yet, you observe via audience votes each day, that what makes people special is when certain individuals begin to think of others and serve others with their gifts or thoughtfulness. Something happens and certain individuals reveal their spirit, and they become quite remarkable people because of the good things they do for others.
Here’s two bright stars with a letter for the Giving Pledge who are billionaires committed to give back to the world. They’re a couple. They have funny beliefs to a lot of the world. They are good and groovy people.
This one for our Omaha factor to get brighter here in the USA. [Again, Omaha = of abundance in Te Reo Rangatira, or, the Language of Chiefs of Aotearoa, New Zealand.
David Green and Barbara Green write: ”Coming from a family of preachers, the idea of giving back has been part of my life as long as I can remember. My parents and their parents before them were what some would consider poor, but they gave back whenever they could whether through small contributions of money, or through acts of kindness. God has blessed me with a wonderful family, a successful business and outstanding employees. I do not take these blessings lightly. I am honored to join this remarkable idea called The Giving Pledge.
When Hobby Lobby was created in the early 1970s, I was committed to use profits to help ministry work. I knew from an early age that ministry work, at least in the sense of preaching from a pulpit, was not my calling. But I also knew that God gifted me with a mind for understanding business, and that gift would allow me to carry out His work through contributions to great missions throughout the world. We honor the Lord in all we do by operating the company in a manner consistent with Biblical principles. From helping orphanages in faraway lands to helping ministries in America, Hobby Lobby has always been a tool for the Lord’s work. 
Read the rest of this entry »

I wee chat about empowering others, into pathways of democracy:
Is being on a website all people need to have to feel like they have ‘a viable sense of democracy?’ In some nations, that answer is a resounding “yes.” In particular Facebook’s dominance in Egypt, is revolutionizing the culture so much as a social website that people are really making Facebook a part of their family’s future. Literally.
The Associated Press reports today, “A new Egyptian father has named his daughter Facebook in honour of the role social media played in his country’s recent revolution.
Jamal Ibrahim told Al-Ahram newspaper his newborn’s unusual name showed how happy he was with Facebook’s part in organising protests across Egypt.
Thousands of protesters in January packed Tahrir Square and other cities in Egypt for 18 days calling for an end to President Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year rule.
Family, friends and neighbours have reportedly gathered around the newborn to show their continued support for the revolution they say started on the social networking site.
The newborn’s family is not alone in expressing their gratitude to Facebook.
The number of Facebook users in Egypt has grown to five million over the past month — more than any other country in the Middle East.
Some 32,000 groups and 14,000 pages were created after the January 25 revolution.
Graffiti sprayed across Cairo said “thank you Facebook” in the days after President Mubarak eventually bowed to public pressure and resigned.
The military government is also using Facebook to try and reach out to young Egyptian people.
But one internet blogger thinks the family may have gone too far in naming their daughter after the website.
“The internet as a whole should win the Nobel Peace Prize this year for all it’s done for democracy in the Middle East/North African region, but let’s not let this naming kids get out of hand,” the blogger said.
“I’d hate for little Facebook to have to share a classroom with a little AOL, or worse a little Yahoo!”
Although the story is very cute, you can’t help but sense that the billionaire’s of the world (Hosni Mubarak being a big one) are putting the new millionaire’s club to work (Mark Zuckerberg and friends) to act as ’magicians of online American corporate IT magic.’ These lads (mainly) are all having a little bit too much fun in Egypt, right now. Obviously. They’re very strong. Too funny!
Egypt is the model nation, all other nation’s in the Mid-East who may or may not, have a revolution too, are being shaped by invisible guiding forces to follow – like Facebook being an agent of influence, for example.
From a Humanitarian point of view, I can’t help thinking that it’s a shame Egypt can’t do their own version of Facebook like “Phoenix Book” or “Cleopatra’s Peoples Pages” or something. A new version of a social website that is more friendly to the Arabic language.
Surely, in a nation that’s natural gas and gold rich, Egypt could develop that social news website, that we in the US, are happy to access and share, equally by cross-pollinating websites as it’s possible for them to dove tail each other. Instead of Post Hosni Mubarak years, giving one’s entire cultural IP in the form of pictures, shared video links and most importantly a nation’s written words to Facebook – for free. Just a thought.
We are not mercernary in America. Why should a Hosni Mubarak hold the future of Egypt’s daily culture created and shared online, as a sacrifice to American IT companies. That does not sit well with me. So an Egyptian-owned Cleopatra’s People Pages social media website (that could be 50% US owned if an idea of democracy is preferred) would seem smart. When we joke about Egypt in the US because of Facebook, that’s not all that cool, when Egypt is 1/4 the size of the US. It’s like laughing at 1/4 of America for example, and that doesn’t sit very well with me. Watch this video to see what I mean via Funny or Die. Click on top Pic to view.
I just think there’s enough Arabic speaking, Mid-East and Egyptian-friendly people in the world, to get together, combine talents and preserves Egypt’s culture and heritage arts on an Egyptian owned social media site. That would be kinda smart.

Word for the day – What mercenary could mean – “A mercenary is a person who takes part in an armed conflict, who is not a national or a party to the conflict, and is “motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar ranks and functions in the armed forces of that Party” (Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Convention of August 1949). A non-conscript professional member of a regular army is not considered to be a mercenary although he gets monetary reward from his service.”
If you’re Egyptian and you’ve temporarily forgotten how strong and beautiful your culture is, under duress, here’s a song just for you in Arabic as a reminder. You should have your own Facebook, so that cultural ignoramuses like me, can access it and see your stars. They’re pretty cool. :)
[Music - via Samo Zaen - Twilit Dove at Side of Branch blog post, Hollywood]
[Pictures and Horiwood.Com - Hollywood archives]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 2.20.11~

What goes up, must come down is something that Einstein shared with the world as a scientific truism and theory on the topic of gravity.
In unrelated news, sadly an oil baron heir died today as the price of oil has skyrocketed this month due to the ‘Egypt crises’ being sighted as the reason of the oil price hike. The man who dies was the father of a Hollywood actor in the TV series Sons & Daughters.
When I looked at our top ten I thought the patriot act, sac capital news, Balthazar Getty pics, swiss twins news, windows phone 7 update, fixodent’s magic for American smiles, carmelo news, Christina Arguilera news, super bowl commercials or Lady Gaga sneaking in Born This Way publicity was going to make our top ten. Thankully, Christina Arguilera didn’t disappointment. Sometimes it pays to present yourself as ‘not the brightest crayon in the box’ and to forget a few things every now and again.
In Hollywood entertainment news we loved today, here’s how our top ten stacked up. Thanks people. As always it appears to be a Justin Bieber and Kim Kardashian Canada-America show, day after day with these two ‘power brands’ dominating news here in the US. Our top ten are:
1. Your favorite magazine cover of the day – Britney Spears & Sons cover Elle Magazine
2. Justin Bieber & Selena Gomez
3. Prince and Kim Kardashian groove to guitar at Madison Square Garden
4. Small biz online marketing school. Social media can get your biz noticed
5. Super Bowl divas sweetness – Fergie defends Christina Arguilera
6. 16 best Hollywood nose jobs – the price of fame’s scalpel
7. Hawaii Romance Pics – Megan Fox & Brian Austin Green
8. A different view of media – A Kiwi News Quiz – 2.7.11
9. Olivia Wilde
10. Google‘s Egypt democracy show – introducing Wale Ghonim‘s big pay rise
J PAUL GETTY III DEATH NEWS via THE ASSOCIATED PRESS: “LONDON — Great wealth became J. Paul Getty III’s great curse.
At age 16, he was held for ransom for five months by captors who cut off his ear when his oil-rich grandfather balked at paying.
After his 1973 release, he became addicted to drugs and alcohol, diving deeper into a hippie counterculture that seemed the opposite of his family’s capitalistic roots. He was only in his 20s when he suffered a devastating stroke that left him severely impaired and in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He died Saturday at age 54. Read the rest of this entry »
Is fleecing one’s own countryfolk for a buck, now an accepted norm, now that Hosni Mubarak is very publicly being a catalyst to reveal this trend in the world?
I guess it is.
Billionaire Bill Gates Microsoft/ Bing network is taking great pleasure today, dishing the dirt on his fellow billionaires, who don’t serve their peoples interest as good as they could, while racking up billions in their own personal bank account.
Gates websites put Egypt’s current leader Hosni Mubarak on grill, first up noting: “A growing group of Egyptian protestors (like the majority of 79 million peeps) claim that President Hosni Mubarak is out of touch with his people. One of their chief complaints? He’s too darn wealthy. The long-time U.S. ally is reportedly worth billions, so we thought we’d take a look at which other world leaders are in the billionaires club. 20 percent of Egypts population lives below the poverty line. That percentage is about the same % as what oil prices have leapt in the last week due to Egypt’s grip on the stock market, ironically. His net worth is unknown, but pundits say it sits between $20-$40 billion. Related: The Egypt mess explained in cartoons. The Mubaraks are said to have properties in Los Angeles, New York and Washington and money in various bank accounts around the world.
Alright, they have global friends in the US and European nations. Surprise, surprise.
Other world leaders getting a wee smack on the knuckles too, for milking their people of soul, while getting too fat are Thailand’s US born King Bhumibol with a fortune of $30 billion. Brunei’s Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah takes a spot with a net worth of $20 billion. Haji is the proud owner of 7,000 cars. Silvio Berlusconi from one of the poorest nations of P.I.I.G.S European nations (Italia) looks quite modest compared to these former lads. Silvio’s personal wealth is listed at $11 billion. MSN note ‘Berlusconi has said he has had cosmetic surgery and a hair transplant to keep that youthful look. (Even Bill Gates took a jab at him for that one.)’ Billionaire’s humor – it’s so catchy! King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud of Saudi Arabia has $11 billion in personal wealth. No one can get too mad at this guy though, most of his nation’s workforce are foreign imports. MSN ask did the Saudi King get over his stutter?
Prince Hans-Adam II von und zu Liechtenstein also gets a spot with $3.5 billion in his personal wealth folder. A love of hybrid-rice via Rice-Tec denotes control of feeding world populations and making bank. His family owns, (surprise, surprise) the LGT bank. Sheik Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan of United Arab Emirates is doing too badly either, although his nations economy has been hit hard by global economic recession. He retains a personal wealth portfolio of $15 billion. King Mohamed IV of Morocco has clocked up $2.5 billion while leading his nation. Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani of Qatar where Horiwood.Com is read by some readers has $2.5 billion. Qatar is a nation benefitting from Egypt’s current crises pushing up gas and oil prices. They’re growing. The Sheikh has a 436-foot yacht for downtime purps. Prince Albert II of Monaco has $1 billion.
Whether these lads are worth that much or not to their people remains to be seen outside of Mubarak’s nation largely voting via protest, um, heck no! But perhaps they lend a case to women leaders being giving a fair shot at looking after their people too.
[For the record, I am all for people getting wealthy, as long as they serve people into better futures than what they had before they took office, more than worship their wealth. Gosh, I think all of these men listed, need to be sat down in a movie theater to watch Schlinder's List by Steven Spielberg at least three times!].
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 2.3.11~

Write Laura and John Arnold after getting hoodwinked into joining Warren Buffet, Melinda and Bill Gates The Giving Pledge scheme:
“We look upon our financial position with a mix of disbelief and humility, never having dreamed that we would be in this situation. Our backgrounds are similar to that of many Americans. We each had a solid middle-class upbringing with an emphasis on values, work ethic and social responsibility. We each attended public secondary school and worked our way through private universities. And, of course, we dreamed of one day being “rich,” in the way that all young people fantasize about having everything they want. To our great surprise, we now fit that very elementary label. We have more than ample resources to be good providers for our family and mentors to our children, and we have a lifestyle that is comfortable and then some.
We are deeply indebted to our community and our country for the many opportunities granted to us, and for a social and economic environment in which we could make the most of those opportunities. We consider it our responsibility to ensure the same opportunities for others. We view our wealth in this light – not as an end in itself, but as an instrument to effect positive and transformative change. To this end, we have contributed a significant portion of our wealth to the Laura and John Arnold Foundation and will continue to do so during our lifetime. Upon our death, the vast majority of our assets will be left to the Foundation.
At the Foundation, we focus on areas where (1) philanthropic investments can lead to solutions that are self-sustaining in the long-term, (2) we can leverage a relatively small investment to create a large impact on total societal benefit and (3) the market does not presently yield optimal results, due to inefficiencies, lack of adequate information or other reasons. These guiding principles have led us to invest in a number of areas including education reform, health care, social services and social justice.
We are blessed to embark on this critical endeavor at a relatively early stage in our lives and with a great sense of urgency. We will devote the majority of our wealth, time and resources to philanthropy in the coming years, and we fully intend to achieve transformative results during our lifetime. There is no more worthwhile work and no greater mission. And there is no reason for delay in making a difference.”
What a thoughtful and inspiring letter. The Arnolds’ tone of gratitude shows people living lives away from entitled attitudes. How cool are they? No matter what spectrum of life any of us may be from, usefulness to others is the common key that connects us all as people living on this wonderful earth in community. After reading this piece of inspiration, maybe I’ll dig deep and give a quarter to the homeless man today at the 7-11. Lol! :)
Mark ZuckerFacenberg‘s giving pledge letter with Priscilla Chan is still on its way as at 2.40pm – Thursday 6th Jan.

~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 1.6.11~

~Bug-eyed Mark has not done his homework. Jokes~
Alright, while many peoples ‘Facebook Daddy of 600 million people’ are looking up to Mark Zuckerberg like some kind of Social Networking Guru or something, let’s call this guy out on a little bit of “Bunking His Homework” shall we!
As we may be aware Zuckerberg has been brilliant at making bank today. Here’s Deal Book on that topic (first 2 paragraphs) by Miguel Heft into the vomit bucket. Here we go: “SAN FRANCISCO — In Silicon Valley, going public used to be the ultimate rite of passage for a start-up — a sign it had arrived. No more. Read the rest of this entry »

The front page of the New York times today runs with the caption “All the news that’s fit to print.” Meaning what? All the real news happens via Wikileaks? Shesh! Anyway, amidst sketchy airplane jet deals (and hidden sticky diplomat’s hands in the jet deals) or the sad report of a bombing at a mosque in Egypt (actually change that to a church as clearly, Christians are the new endangered species of the world in Muslim nations) comes a little ‘Billionaires are US young person’s story’ news from America about those dudes who have that movie made about their Harvard brainchild day’s (The Social Network).
Half captured by this dumb photographic attempt at the local Starbucks newspaper rack, (sorry my not-even-silver hori-headed brown eyes need glasses these days) is a story on the front page of The Times today regarding Facebook listing their books value at $50 billion. That’s a tremendous amount of ‘virtual money’ for the social networking (IT) service that effictively 600 million people in the world fill up each day with their time, energy, photographs, entertainment picks via Hollywood (mainly) and the big one, their ‘words.’ It has to be said, that there’s a lot of money to be made in capturing other peoples words and sharing them in one place on the internet.
Read the rest of this entry »

A powerful letter as billionaires commit to lives lived with others as a focus of being American leaders via The Giving Pledge. Here’s Elaine and Ken Langone‘s letter of response to buddy Warren Buffet who asked this couple to join him in giving hope to others.
Dear Warren,
Elaine and I were honored to receive your graceful letter. It conveys a spiritual purpose that has long been close to our hearts and, yes, we will gladly join you in making our own pledge. Much praise to you for making this a national calling. It is inspiring how such a simple idea puts faith into action for the community as a whole.
Our family is thankful for the many blessings we have enjoyed. It is because we live in a special country, where freedom of opportunity is a cherished virtue that we can reach so high in the first place. But nothing makes our society better than when we live up to its most caring ideals of service and selflessness. So it is also with a deep sense of gratitude that we are pleased to be included in this wonderful undertaking.
Ken Langone

[Photograph of Elaine and Ken Langone courtesy of Blacktie]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 12.31.10~

[Photo caption: Mikhail Khodorkovsky (to the left, to the left) and his co-defendant Platon Lebedev smile from behind bars at a court room in Moscow, Russia, Wednesday. On Thursday, Khodorkovsky was sentenced to six more years in a trial that his followers condemned as politically tinged]. Alexander Zemlianichenko of the AP took the photograph.
Russia is spanking it’s billionaires today. Even American President’s are powerless to intervene. Here’s Guest commentary on the Khodorkovsky saga with Keith Koffler bringing the journalism on the matter:
“Let’s be clear, Khodorkovsky is certainly guilty of plenty of crimes. You didn’t get to be Russia’s richest man in the 1990s by not squashing people and evading laws. He’s a pretty bad prisoner of conscience, as these things go.
But, since he uniquely was targeted among all the other criminals, he’s become a symbol of Russia’s unfortunate turn from Democracy and the rule of law. The White House needs to come up with something stronger, starting with a real statement of protest and ending with tangible steps, like the freezing of assets of those directly responsible for the prosecution.
I guess the Obama administration wants to prove that, in the wake of Senate ratification of the START Treaty, it’s not coddling Russia.
So the White House put out a statement a couple of days ago expressing its unease – no stronger word is called for here – with the conviction of former Russian business tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky on various charges thought up by Vladimir Putin. Khodorkovsky today was told he will spend another six years in jail. (Poor guy!). Read the rest of this entry »
All these people should be on every entertainment bloggers hot list. They’re pretty cool this year in the age of billionaire philanthropists. With that mega-celebrity buzz word forming in the form of this list of people joining a cool club to advocate and act for the needs at hand in the world, what does this mean? Think 1000 Oprahs (plus) eventually. That’s gotta be good for the world.
Go here and
especially HERE to read why. Gratitude is a beatitude. It’s a beautiful trait of generosity of spirit. The beauty of gratitude is that these billionaires appear (quite publicly) to have it, but it is also relative in terms of what you personally have and what you do with it, to make the world a better place. For example you don’t need to be a billionaire to be just like these people, gratitude though is the common bond that links these people to ordinary folk who have the same heart and eyes looking out for the world. These people inspire me this Christmas to be more thankful, grateful and sharing.
Let’s flow!
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 12.24.10~
Tags: America, Billionaire HQ on Horiwood.Com, Billionaire Philanthropy, Billionaire Women, Billionaires, , China, Community, Compassion, Cross-Cultural Narratives, Gratitude, Hollywood Maori Honor Roll, Humanitarian Angels on Horiwood.Com, Leadership, Michele Chan, Patrick Soon-Shiong, Water, World News, World Peace
True fact: The Maori word for spirit is wairua. It means “two waters.” Water distribution is a spiritually humane act, because it takes anyone with spirit to ensure that people who need it, can have life each hour of the day. Our spirits need to act with goodness so water can happen for 1 billion people. Most of these people are in India and Africa. I wonder if China can help as water has so much significance as a metaphor for spirit in China. When I China is already helping share water.
Exciting News: For only $10 invested at Charity Water, one person in the world can have fresh clean drinking water, for a lifetime – when currently 1 billion people don’t have access to it yet. Isn’t that cool information?
It’s the end of the year in Hollywood. Normally I do the list of The 50 People Who Were Voted Most Hottest in Hollywood, as a really good compare and contrast democratic exercise in who is actually hot –vs, other media outlets lists. It can be quite surprisingly the results. On this website, votes are voted daily. The results always provide a study. For example Lady Gaga was no.1 last year, before she’d even appeared on Oprah’s Show.
This year though I thought instead of glorifying Hollywood’s Top 50 list, a priority first, was to link the list of stars, celebrities, hot Hollywood topics in this blogs category list with the topic of H2O. Sometimes we forget that the difference between a ‘star’ and an unknown third world person – is simply basics of humanity or human rights too, like clean drinking water being one–and equal access to it. So, before that list happens, let’s work the existing list already created of people and stars on this blog, who all can do something to help other peeps have life that flows daily with decent water.
Let’s do it as a Christmas gift to the world. Each star who gets any press going up online, have these news items emailed to them daily in the form of google alerts emails. So, in doing this exercise, this is my challenge as a Maori-Kiwi blogger to each one of US as I like US together as a global community connected to all people in the world, to give the gift of water this Christmas to someone else in celebration of life. Celebrity is about water. A celebrity is “anyone who deserves to be celebrated.” In giving water to someone else–we celebrate life, and we act like true celebrities of the world.
Merry Christmas and if you feel inclined, make a difference. is our water distribution agency today. It’s a trust that is action certified that Nicole Richie all year round. Richie also does work too for water distribution via UNICEF as well. I think that’s pretty gnarly good. Let’s do it and make a difference. Cheers and thanks for reading this blog all year round. May festive greetings flow to others too through US. Much love.
Until every person has clean drinking water –no one in the world has true power. Who are we fooling? There will never be peace in the world, if people are fighting over clean water each day. As a power balance exercise that makes us civilized nations look less fake in the eyes of the world, let’s have some fun and make it happen. :)
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 12.25.10~
Tags: Africa, Babies, Bahamas, Ballads, Balthazar Getty, Bar Refaeli, Barack Obama, Barbados, Barbara Bush, Barbara Streisand, Barbara Walters, Baseball, basketball, Batman, Baz Luhrmann, Beer, Belgium, Ben Affleck, Ben Bernanke, Ben Harper, Ben Lummis, Benji Madden, Berlin, Betty White, beverly hills, Beyonce Knowles, Bic Runga, Bijou Phillips, Bikini Bodies, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Bill Maher, Billionaire HQ on Horiwood.Com, Billionaire Women, Billionaires, Billy Bob Thornton, Billy Ray Cyrus, Bird Runningwater, Birthdays, Black Eyed Peas, Blake Civil-Fielder, Blake Lively, Bling Rings, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Boh Runga, Bollywood, Bon Jovi, Bono, Books, Box Office Stars, Boxing, Boy Bands, Boy George, Boyzone, Brad Cooper, brad Paisley, Brad Pitt, Brandon Flowers, Brazil, Breast Cancer Survivors, Bret Michaels, Brett Michaels, Brian Austin Green, Bristol Palin, Britney Spears, Bronaaki, Bronagh Key, Bronson Pelletier, Brooke Abbott, Brooke Fraser, Brooke Mueller, Brooke Shields, Brooklyn Decker, Brown University, Bruce Springsteen, Bruce Willis, Bryce Dallas Howard, BScott, Buddy Greene, Bulgaria, Butch James, , China, Cross-Cultural Narratives, Culture, Human Rights, Humanitarian Angels on Horiwood.Com, India, Leadership, Liberty, Life, Like A Prayer, Spirit, Star System - The Art of American Celebrity, T-Pain, Tahiti, Talent Management, Talk Shows, Tamaki Makaurau, Tara Reid, Taranaki, Tattoos, Tatum Channing, Taylor Blue, Taylor Jane, Taylor Kitsch, Taylor Lautner, Taylor Momsen, Taylor Swift, Te Matatini, Te Reo Rangatira, Ted Harbert, Ted Turner, Tee Shirts, Teen Moms, Teen Romance, Teen Romance Novel, Teenagers, Tennessee, Tennis, Teri Hatcher, Terri Nunn, Texas, The Beatles, The Bee Gees, The Black Keys, The Go-Go's, The Hangover, The Hills, The Hobbit, The Jacksons, The Killers, The Muppets, The Muttonbirds, The Osmonds, The Pope, The Rock, The Rolling Stones, The View, The Young Turks, Theater, Theme Parks, Think Green, Thought For Today, TI, TIger Woods, Tim Burton, Tim Finn, Tim Gunn, Tim McGraw, Time, Timothy Geithner, Tina Fey, Tina Knowles, Tino Rangatiratanga, Tinsley Mortimer, Tish Cyrus, Tolerance, Tom Brady, Tom Cruise, Tom Ford, Tom Hanks, Tom Hardy, Tommy Lee, Tonga, Tony Blair, Tony Parker, Tori Spelling, Toronto, Tourism, Toys, Trace Cyrus, Tracey Chapman, Tracy Morgan, Transparency in a Digital Age, Travel Destinations, Trends, Trey Songz, True Blood, Tupac, Turkey, TV Ratings, TVC, Tween Romance, Tween Romance Novel, Tween Romance Novels, Tweens, Twilight, Twitter, Tyler Perry, Tyler Shields, Tyra Banks, wairua, Water, World News, World Peace, Young Hollywood

The world’s youngest billionaire Dustin Moskovitz of Facebook co-founding fame, is not only worth $1.4 billion but he’s got heart and soul too. Moskovitz is ranked no 290 among America’s 400 richest people.
Bill Gates and Warren Buffett approached Dustin to partner with them on their Giving Pledge Charitable Trust, Dustin said “right on.”
The trust aims to create a herd instinct in order to get America’s wealthiest individuals and families to commit to give the majority of their fortune away.
Dustin is currently in love with journalist Cari Tuna and he mentions her in the letter he wrote dedicating his focus to the pledge. He writes: I‘m especially thankful to have found a partner in Cari who shares my priorities and commitment to this humbling work. Over the next few years, we will begin to identify the causes to which we can make the most leveraged contributions. We will donate and invest with both urgency and mindfulness, aiming to foster a safer, healthier and more economically empowered global community.
Very cool. Giving is relative. For example you may not have 1.4 billion dollars, but if you give til it hurts within your own capacity, you too are living this pledge. Dustin’s letter is a reminder that giving is a privilege and a humbling experience to be a part of making a difference in others lives.
Billionaire philanthropists are the new superheroes of the world. Simply because the times require such people to step into the gap of poverty and lead. Even if people with a billionaire profile weren’t giving a dollar in reality–letters like Dustin’s certainly incite us regular folk to all consider giving–and think of others too.
Such a letter engenders thoughtfulness towards community outside of individualistic acquisition tendencies that a capitalist culture would say is success. It’s nice to see guys like Dustin use his profile in such a powerful and positive way. I think leverage is key here.
[News source: Forbes Blogs]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 12.20.10~
Tags: Billionaire HQ on Horiwood.Com, Billionaire Philanthropy, Billionaires, Cari Tuna, Dustin Moskovitz, Facebook, Journalists

Grow up with Mark Zuckerberg throughout the years in 6 pics via Time Magazine on S.U.
What a guy!
In Time’s latest Person of The Year Awards? Mr. Zuckerberg is listed as no.1 most influential person of 2010. He is also described as being the leader of ‘the third largest nation on earth’ or, with 600 million (one tenth) of the world’s population in his self-made kingdom.
If you’re a Facebook community peep, this would technically make Mark your ‘founding father’ or in modern day speak “your daddy.”
These photos of Zuckerberg growing up, also give a vibe of Mark being your older or younger bro too.
He’s everywhere. With a sister with a name Randi, growing up, how could you not do something awesome to put people together? *jokes*
Mark shares his fame with the J.K Rowlings audiences of her books and films by featuring his family at the Harry Potter Theme Park in Orlando, Florida. A generous gesture from a dude, who really is the real life boy wizard with a Facebook wand. Magic is in peoples simple every day words, they are allowed to share with the world and others they care about.
What is the most important thing in the world? People. People. People. This man, from the least to the greatest has included US all and our humble knowledge of words we want to share with others in his vision and enterprise.
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 12.15.10~
Tags: Architectural Design, Billionaire HQ on Horiwood.Com, Billionaires, Chris Hughes, Dustin Moskovitz, Entrepreneurs, Facebook, Fairness, Family Vs Fame, Fathers of America, Mark Zuckerberg, Marketing & Branding, Randi Zuckerberg, Social Networking, Social Re-Engineering
I notice that a lot of you are looking for Jeffrey Lurie information today on Horiwood.Com. He’s ranked Forbes Magazine‘s #937 billionaire in the world. How did Jeffrey do it?
“Grandfather Philip Smith (d.1961) created family fortune with movie theater operator General Cinema, investments. After Ph.D. from Brandeis and teaching social policy at Boston University, grandson followed familial lead, starting Chestnut Hill Productions, made Foxfire (starring Angelina Jolie) and V.I. Warshawski (starring Kathleen Turner). Still has film company, Screen Pass Pictures, with wife, Christina.
Jeffrey had better success when he bought the Philadelphia Eagles football team. He bought the franchise in 1994 for $195 million. It is now worth $1.2 billion now.
That’s called a major touch down in the sporting and biz worlds. His wife is extremely patient with Jeffrey’s non-football like sense of balance and athleticism. An area for Jeffrie to improve on perhaps as he appears to be a little clumsy when he gets excited and hi-fives his support team during Eagles touch down moments as this video clip shows. That Christina is a saint!!!
He is the man who first backed Angelina Jolie in a film and turned her into a star in her own right.
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 12.12.10~
Tags: Billionaire HQ on Horiwood.Com, Billionaires, Christina Lurie, Football, Jeffery Lurie, Philadelphia, Sports, Sports Horiwood
Leaders that give bravely warm the hearts. They incite acts of goodness towards others, a nation emulates and accumulates.
Acts of goodness accumulated by good people willingly, will bear witness and shall protect a nation’s name.
Goodness can be likened to a protective-shield that seals and covers a nation from harm. Impending perilous forces, dissolve in its light.
A nation’s goodness and honor, protects a nation from harm. In unity of spirit and with good hearts, such people cannot be defeated.
Laughter is a sign that a leader is on the right track where goodness is. He or she leads towards happier days. Shine like the sun.
[These thoughts written for Bill & Melinda Gates, their example and their courage to give boldly conquers fear]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 12.7.10~
Tags: Bill Gates, Billionaire HQ on Horiwood.Com, Billionaire Philanthropy, Billionaire Women, Billionaires, Billionaires in The Mix, Compassion, Goodness, Kindness, Leadership, Melinda Gates, Military, Super heroes, Super Powers Discourse & Direction, Trends, War

If you’re wealthy, you might want to skip this post. I’m kidding.
Bill Gates and Warren Buffet announced The Giving Pledge a while back. It’s a charitable trust, that gives people of wealth the opportunity to be relieved of it–and act like ‘real’ people or like the majority of the world.
The trust urges wealthy citizens to give the bulk of their wealth to the trust for others in need. ABC’s Christiane Amanpour recently interviews Warren and Bill and Melinda Gates about their start up role as leaders of the trust. Ted Turner is also following suit.
This is certainly an opportunity to make a difference in the world now when it’s most needed. It also observes the principle that if you give, you get back. The rise of the billionaire philanthropist as a super hero of the world–is a miracle of the heart, I think. These guys and girls are all so admiral who are in this trust. Fearless. Rock on!
Watch these stars here for pure inspiration. Mr Buffet maintains that the current tax breaks for the rich of America have not worked for US society for a decade now. I have noticed that the people who like Warren Buffet as a celebrity are all good people, pretty much. They have fun but try and be frugal too where they can.
Not that ‘that last paragraph’ is a recommend to give half your wealth away. However, in the video link above, The Giving Pledge believe they can raise $600 billion from partners who join them to do the same thing. That’s amazing, it’s like the entire amount of the recent US draw down from the Fed.
Love it. Positive and proactive leadership.

~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywod California USA. 11.29.10~
Tags: Bill Gates, Billionaire HQ on Horiwood.Com, Billionaire Philanthropy, Billionaire Women, Billionaires, , Christiane Amanpour, Community, Compassion, Humanitarian Angels on Horiwood.Com, Leadership, Melinda Gates, Star System - The Art of American Celebrity, Super heroes, Super Powers Discourse & Direction, Ted Turner, Warren Buffet

When you’re young, rich and have made your money in IT, social media or your own ideas that made millions – the chances are you’re either a) likely to sound like an arrogrant prat, or b) have very little faith in systems that never helped you actually realize your ideas, or c) a combo of the two. Here’s one of Facebook’s early investors Peter Thiel on six topics. Radical to say the least:
On Democracy – “I no longer believe that freedom and democracy are compatible.” Winner-take-all capitalism, without regulation, is something the peeps don’t go for.
On a lack of faith in politics:
Since the 1920′s: ‘capitalist democracy’ is an oxymoron,” he writes.
On New Technologies:
They should “create a new space for freedom.”
On freeing up currency:
Thiel who created PayPal and sold it for $1.5 billion in 2002 says: ”I sought to create a global currency beyond the reach of taxation or central bank policy.”
On Facebook as an imagined community:
“A way to form voluntary supra-national communities.”
On aggressive talent scouting of teenagers:
“Thiel Fellowship will pay would-be entrepreneurs under 20 $100,000 in cash to drop out of school. In announcing the program, Thiel says universities are like governments – they hinder true entrepreneurialship. Are the GOP paying this guy to be Obama‘s Jon Voight of this year, cause this getter better double up on security (and no I wasn’t talking about Kelly Clarkson‘s dog, called Security, either).
Alright that last part of young people recruting (teens) is a little bit creepy. Surrounding yourself with only young people, perhaps means you’re not accountable to an older wiser, balanced opinion, but lets not hold that against Peter. He’s a chicken man. Lol!
Original Source: Slate on . Follow us on .
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 10.21.10~
Tags: Gay, Billionaire HQ on Horiwood.Com, Peter Thiel

‘Visibility as Credibility’–symbols as reality, in the new social media digital age in which we all live.
News websites are buzzing with news that Hollywood beauty Natalie Portman would spill the beans on Harvard’s inner circle of who didn’t get A grades like she did, because they were doing other things on campus.
This Portman, reportedly did with the Facebook movie’s screenwriter Aaron Sorkin. The vixen! Apparently, Natalie’s gossip became the back story to The Social Network. In my hood it was called something simple, like conversations over a Jewish dinner, which is quite the norm really, over one’s matzo ball soup. But this is how it reads in Hollywood’s sensationalized hypey press this week.
Which in Hollywood speak – actually means the film had too many blokey moments, and it needed a pretty face overlay (testscreen audiences feedback revealed), in hindsight – to make it seem, less – what’s the word? oh – noninclusive of women. That’s the term.
Regardless, Natalie getting the call to be the face of this mission is proof that girl has Angelina Jolie status as a credible Hollywood queen. Remember when George Clooney’s camp got Angelina Jolie to announce that she would play Marilyn Monroe to Clooney’s Sinatra in a new film, to help generate some buzz for George. The hype worked, and George scraped in again, via Jolie’s celebrity cyphon to just make it to #1 at the box office. Although they have zero, to do with the film being marketed, it’s what girls of Hollywood are called on to do, for the boys. Teamwork.
More seriously though, what is The Social Network all about? We’ve seen people prattle on about it, saying its Oscar worthy. Here’s some thoughts from a critic or two, to share on the film, that I think are quite good.
Frank Chi says: “The Social Network is about social upheaval in the digital age. It’s about the ability of a new media class to deconstruct centuries worth of privilege and access that would’ve won in every other generation but now.”
I say: It’s really about visibility as credibility in a digital age. The fact that the ‘wealthy’ or ‘privileged’ (is anyone that these days still? – the global recession knows no class structures – it just burns) haven’t been as visible via new social media - is because: a) they’re private and b) humble.
New technology like social media – means though, that the wealthy have to be more visible as a norm too now. It’s just about, not being silenced as a voice of reason, or fun, or insight, or light-heartedness too. Speaking up is FaceBooking or blogging, tweeting etc.
Jose Antonio Vargas says: that the movie shows how much Hollywood doesn’t understand Silicon Valley.
I say: Silicon Valley follows Hollywood, (so what they talkin?) because Silicon Valley hopes to develop useful IT, based around propagating new Hollywood trends faster (those things that are recession proof worldwide), in forms, that are Hollywood fit. Hollywood sells.
Silicon Valley’s purpose in America (of stuff that works) is that they’re (S.V) on medium creation, we’re on message construction.
When the message goes into the medium (the i.t platform’s software), than the medium becomes the message (to quote McLuhan), which is precisely what Facebook means, and why Facebook has accelerated brand power in its market.
Enough about meaning. What about Geeks?
Jeff Jarvis thinks: it vilifies nerds and is the new “anti-geek movie.”

Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Aaron Sorkin, America, Billionaire HQ on Horiwood.Com, California, Entrepreneurs, Environment, Leadership, Mark Zuckerberg, Natalie Portman, new IT technology, New Media, Philosophy, Think Green, Think Orchard TV, Think Orchard TV Network

Although Madonna has signed a $160 million ten-year deal with concert promotors Live Nation, The Sun UK is reporting today that Madonna has just been offered a five year residency in Las Vegas, for a rumored $1 billion.
The logistics of this price tag offer are being debated all over the internet at the minute.
Good publicity rumors for Madonna today. She incites imagination for bullish American entertainment. And isn’t that what entertainment leaders do? They loan a face to an idea for all entertainers, that could be possible. What a benchmark setter, even if this is a rumor or truth.
I’m all for Madonna earning a billion bucks. Ciccone is always listed in the top three celebrities who give the most income to charity outside of Warren Buffet and Bill Gates‘ big league humanitarian club. She deserves a billion bucks. :)
[Think Green by Madonna for Vanity Fair, via Tree Hugger]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 8.21.10~
Tags: Billionaire HQ on Horiwood.Com, Billionaire Philanthropy, Billionaire Women, Billionaires, Leadership, Madonna, Music Industry News, Stars Hollywood Walk of Fame, Think Green

When the recession hit in California, nigh on two years ago; it was obvious that the rise of the “billionaire philanthropist” was emerging in the world. The need is always the call.
Today, Cinematical is reporting that the Star Wars creator who casts Maoris in his films (woot!), George Lucas, is joining hands with The Giving Pledge organization. Conceived by Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, the best feel good club to be in in the world, enlists billionaires who promise to give half of their wealth to charity.
Bill already gave 25 billion, because perhaps he wanted to know who half his friends really were. Oracle co-founder Larry Ellison, T. Boone Pickens, are in the pack.
I also count Angelina Jolie as an honorary billionaire philanthropist, because how she chooses to use her image, name, reputation and spotlight for humanitarian causes, acting as the bait to incite others to do the same at every turn, (sharks always need a thrill) is right up there, transferring wealth into corners of the world where most needed, like no other star can.
Warren Buffet is leader of the pack, promising 99 billion of his wealth. Nice one George! A Star fighting wars of hunger, famine, homelessness and disparity indeed.
[Images of Lucas courtesy of the Daily Up Beat]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 8.5.2010~
Tags: Angelina Jolie, Bill Gates, Billionaire HQ on Horiwood.Com, Billionaire Philanthropy, Billionaire Women, Billionaires, Humanitarian Angels on Horiwood.Com, Maori, Temuera Morisson, Warren Buffet
an iPhone application called this, would totally pop!
Minerals (in the form of vitamins) give us the feeling, that we can live forever.
Therefore iMinerels is the hot ticket of phone applications in the 2010′s :)
Health facts info, origin of minerels, benefits to health + online ordering and delivery to your door.
Is hot to trot.
[On the 4eva Young theme--here's the incomparable Beyonce Knowles in her (denim cut-offs and military storm trooper boots) and Jay Z singing Foever Young @ Coachella Music Festival for your entertainment].
Let’s go life in California!
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 6.26.2010~
Tags: Afghanistan, America, Beyonce Knowles, Billionaire HQ on Horiwood.Com, Billionaire Philanthropy, China, Family Vs Fame, Health Care, iMinerels, It is what it is, Jay-Z, Leadership, Life, Live Music Artists, Medicine Science, Mr Hudson, Music Industry News, new IT technology, New Zealand

I’m sorry Chicago, but Ms Oprah Winfrey really is moving to California. She wasn’t bluffing.
According to the Wall Street Journal, Oprah has just hired Peter Adamson to manage her ‘family office’ and watch her money and investments portfolio. In California, Peter Adamson manages Eli and Edith Broad‘s money so that the Broad’s can continue doing artistic and philanthropic things for arts and culture in LA–in and around Hollywood’s movie culture.
It looks like Ms Winfrey is going to get a little bit more creative, in her role as a power producer of Hollywood films and TV Network producing in her next, Californian reincarnation. She’s freeing up her time, so its less money focused. Love it. And the philanthropic money management skills of Peter Adamson on board–prove that Oprah is heading in the same direction as the Broads. Think Oprah in the past–but on a much bigger philanthropic scale.
To check out what’s happening on the Broad Stage concerning music, jazz, live performance and the arts, here in LA… go here. It’s time that LA got a bit more artistically philanthropic. So this is exciting news. The past two years, a spirit of meanness, fear and stingyness has gripped this city. Good works incite more good works. So, hopefully Winfrey and the Broad’s will get a really good ping pong match going on between them–concerning artists support in the 2010′s.
Needless to say, anything that Oprah’s attached to when she hits Califor-NI-A–invest in those stocks. Here’s some retro Tupac–to celebrate in advance, the Oprah Effect on Hollywood. :)
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 5.18.2010~
Tags: Art, Art Galleries, artist, Billionaire HQ on Horiwood.Com, Billionaire Philanthropy, Billionaire Women, Billionaires, Dustin Hoffman, Edythe Broad, Eli Broad, Hot Chocolate, Music Videos, Peter Adamson, Retro Hotness, Steven Spielberg, Tupac
I wee chat about empowering others, into pathways of democracy:
Is being on a website all people need to have to feel like they have ‘a viable sense of democracy?’ In some nations, that answer is a resounding “yes.” In particular Facebook’s dominance in Egypt, is revolutionizing the culture so much as a social website that people are really making Facebook a part of their family’s future. Literally.
The Associated Press reports today, “A new Egyptian father has named his daughter Facebook in honour of the role social media played in his country’s recent revolution.
Jamal Ibrahim told Al-Ahram newspaper his newborn’s unusual name showed how happy he was with Facebook’s part in organising protests across Egypt.
Thousands of protesters in January packed Tahrir Square and other cities in Egypt for 18 days calling for an end to President Hosni Mubarak’s 30-year rule.
Family, friends and neighbours have reportedly gathered around the newborn to show their continued support for the revolution they say started on the social networking site.
The newborn’s family is not alone in expressing their gratitude to Facebook.
The number of Facebook users in Egypt has grown to five million over the past month — more than any other country in the Middle East.
Some 32,000 groups and 14,000 pages were created after the January 25 revolution.
Graffiti sprayed across Cairo said “thank you Facebook” in the days after President Mubarak eventually bowed to public pressure and resigned.
The military government is also using Facebook to try and reach out to young Egyptian people.
But one internet blogger thinks the family may have gone too far in naming their daughter after the website.
“The internet as a whole should win the Nobel Peace Prize this year for all it’s done for democracy in the Middle East/North African region, but let’s not let this naming kids get out of hand,” the blogger said.
“I’d hate for little Facebook to have to share a classroom with a little AOL, or worse a little Yahoo!”
Although the story is very cute, you can’t help but sense that the billionaire’s of the world (Hosni Mubarak being a big one) are putting the new millionaire’s club to work (Mark Zuckerberg and friends) to act as ’magicians of online American corporate IT magic.’ These lads (mainly) are all having a little bit too much fun in Egypt, right now. Obviously. They’re very strong. Too funny!
Egypt is the model nation, all other nation’s in the Mid-East who may or may not, have a revolution too, are being shaped by invisible guiding forces to follow – like Facebook being an agent of influence, for example.
From a Humanitarian point of view, I can’t help thinking that it’s a shame Egypt can’t do their own version of Facebook like “Phoenix Book” or “Cleopatra’s Peoples Pages” or something. A new version of a social website that is more friendly to the Arabic language.
Surely, in a nation that’s natural gas and gold rich, Egypt could develop that social news website, that we in the US, are happy to access and share, equally by cross-pollinating websites as it’s possible for them to dove tail each other. Instead of Post Hosni Mubarak years, giving one’s entire cultural IP in the form of pictures, shared video links and most importantly a nation’s written words to Facebook – for free. Just a thought.
We are not mercernary in America. Why should a Hosni Mubarak hold the future of Egypt’s daily culture created and shared online, as a sacrifice to American IT companies. That does not sit well with me. So an Egyptian-owned Cleopatra’s People Pages social media website (that could be 50% US owned if an idea of democracy is preferred) would seem smart. When we joke about Egypt in the US because of Facebook, that’s not all that cool, when Egypt is 1/4 the size of the US. It’s like laughing at 1/4 of America for example, and that doesn’t sit very well with me. Watch this video to see what I mean via Funny or Die. Click on top Pic to view.
I just think there’s enough Arabic speaking, Mid-East and Egyptian-friendly people in the world, to get together, combine talents and preserves Egypt’s culture and heritage arts on an Egyptian owned social media site. That would be kinda smart.
Word for the day – What mercenary could mean – “A mercenary is a person who takes part in an armed conflict, who is not a national or a party to the conflict, and is “motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar ranks and functions in the armed forces of that Party” (Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Convention of August 1949). A non-conscript professional member of a regular army is not considered to be a mercenary although he gets monetary reward from his service.”
If you’re Egyptian and you’ve temporarily forgotten how strong and beautiful your culture is, under duress, here’s a song just for you in Arabic as a reminder. You should have your own Facebook, so that cultural ignoramuses like me, can access it and see your stars. They’re pretty cool. :)
[Music - via Samo Zaen - Twilit Dove at Side of Branch blog post, Hollywood]
[Pictures and Horiwood.Com - Hollywood archives]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 2.20.11~
Posted by horiwood on February 21, 2011 in A Different View, America, Arabic, Billionaire HQ on Horiwood.Com, Billionaire Philanthropy, Cleopatra, Cross-Cultural Narratives, Cultural Imperialism, Culture, Democracy, Economy, Egypt, Facebook, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Press, Freedom, Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Speech, gold, Heritage Arts & Culture, Hollywood Foreign Press Association, Hollywood Television Service, Hollywood Today, Human Rights, Human Trafficking & Writers Aggregated Creativity via IT Corporates, Humanitarian Angels on Horiwood.Com, IT, Leadership, Liberty, Light, Mark Zuckerberg, Music Industry News, Muslims, natural gas, oil, Politics, Pop Art, Pop Cultural Commentary, Samo Zaen, Social Media, Social Networking, West Hollywood, Wisdom, Wisdoms Buffet, Women, Words, World History, World News, World Peace, Writers