Alright then… on with the shallows of Hollywood blogging: Trophy Girl Michelle “Bombshell” McGee has announced via the Australian media that she is “sorry.”
As McGee was auditioned in person on Jesse James casting couch in his backyard garage (like a sketchy Hollywood producer would) and she was always who she claimed to be: a working model trying to feed her children…. I’m going to accept her apology. She is, who she always claimed to be, so we can’t get mad at her. She did her job Jesse James paid her to do for him.
This report of McGee’s apology via Today Tonight via Mikey K: “”I’m sorry for your embarrassment. I’m sorry all this is public. I’m sorry for everything. She must be hurt, devastated, upset, embarrassed. I want to give her a heartfelt apology. I’m sorry for her embarrassment and pain. I do feel really bad about it. I feel like I was duped just as much as Sandra was. I feel like I was lied to just as much as she was. If Jesse was upfront with me in the beginning, we wouldn’t be in this situation.”
Let’s hope Oscar Winning and extremely successful Hollywood movie producer (currently tallying box office earnings still accumulating) Sandra Bullock can find it in her heart to reward forgive Michelle McGee for her apology today.
McGee has top billing tonight in Hollywood appearing on the A-List show Entertainment Tonight in prime time as well as The Hollywood Insider. She’s nationwide news in America this evening as if she’s an A-List star. Nuts aye?! :)
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 4.12.2010~