Maori girls have been singing our songs of freedom for centuries in Aotearoa, New Zealand – long before Christopher Colombus put one Spanish slippered foot on American soil. Here’s one such Maori girl in action on the far left, continuing the spirit of these fine traditions and songs of freedom. :)
~Thank you H. Mauri ‘Ola. Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 4.4.11~
Cute is the Patea Maori Club singing and swinging the Maori poi via Taranaki.
Poi E is one of those classic Kiwi songs that always brings a smile, when you watch it.
The song is like a gift of authentic culture, uniquely created in Aotearoa New Zealand and loved by the people of Hawaii, USA, that keeps on giving.
Enjoy. Let’s go Maoris! :)
Maori – Kiwi Star Power tribute as Hollywood Art Today – Russell Crowe‘s Hollywood star, Walk of Fame, Hollywood California USA. Photographed by Horiwood.Com.

~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 3.13.11~
Maori bros. Herbs, a Kiwi band from Gisbourne and the East Coast of New Zealand, onced dramatically questioned nuclear power’s place in the world.
At the time, they seemed commonsensical, if not a little bit naive, slightly self righteous on a green issue for the environment, in questioning the ‘what if’ nuclear waste was released into the environment, theme of their song.
In New Zealand as kids growing up, we danced to this song at school discos (prom nights).
This song from the 80′s provides poignant music reflection as we all hope for the best for Japan’s people (first and foremost), who are at risk of a nuclear meltdown, to their personage and sense of home… and also the environment of Japan and surrounding districts.
In the spirit of believing and hoping for the best for Japan in this crises hour, here’s also Herbs song Sensitive To A Smile, that is all about being kaitiaki (or guardians) of the world for the children, the people who will inherit this world the way we work with it and design it for changing times.
It’s a warm hearted song. I hope you like it. Their message is pray, (for wisdom) not take away, as depicted on the ancestral whenua (coastal landscapes) of Ngati Porou, the home of Maori greats like Ta Witi Ihimaera, Hekia Parata, Robin Pere (Bell) Barker tona whanau, Papa Api Mahuika, Taika Cohen, Ainsley Gardiner, Sir Wira Gardiner, Dale, Kobey, Darrin, Patsie, Pa K and Dennis Barry (and their friends like Mary Teachin) to name a few of a long list of good people who practice the spirit of manaakitanga (hospitality from the heart) on these landscapes all year round adding to the Kiwi fused art of bronaaki (Kiwi brotherhood of common shared bonds of community hearted ties).
These are my people with a message today for this earth we all call our kainga (home). Enjoy.
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 3.12.11~
Born this way to sing and entertainment. Teri Maree Kopa of New Zealand is big on talent and lite on ego, as a singer. At ten, she was born this way to sing and entertain with humility, spirit and grace, naturally.
Go kid!
He reka te Waiata Aroha. Mauri ‘Ola! :)
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 2.18.11~

Te Mata Tini o te Ra, Video footage off the coast of Gisborne, Te Tai Rawhiti a Aotearoa/ New Zealand can be viewed here.
You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.
Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.
Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.
Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops.
Weakened by my soulful cries.
Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.
You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.
Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?
Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.
~The words of poet Laureate, Toni Morrison, from a Kiwi brother for Rodney Hide and friends, posted in the literary traditions of Patricia Grace, Witi Ihimaera and Hone Tuwhare from Amerika today. Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 2.18.11~

“My pride, I will show, so you will know who I Am”–He Kaakano School for teen parent mom’s song lyrics of spirit, Ngapuhi, Te Taitokerau.
“We’re really proud of these stamps, they’re vibrant, colourful, and capture the energy of Kapa Haka”–Darrin Apanui said recently, as Maori cultural performance is celebrated as an art form with new stamps being commissioned. Now every person in New Zealand can stick Maoris on to their correspondence. That’s a taiaha stroke of cultural awesomery, in my Hollywod book. Fun.
New Zealand Post marketing commercial director James Te Puni said: “Kapa Haka is unique to New Zealand, and a great way to celebrate our heritage. The series highlights a performance from beginning to end with each discipline showcased on each stamp.”
Alright, here’s a snap shot into the rich diversity of Kiwi news right now:
What guy named Hone too launched one of the most authentic cultural festivals in the world?
What dollar just broke through to the US 76c zone?
Whose sharemarket ended the week on a strong footing?
What country of Nati Hobbits is very excited Japan ended whaling season?
Whose sister’s boss froze the price of milk for a year, so families could afford it more easily? Mine! Woot! :)
Sadly, what Kiwi-Polyensian family are mourning a soldier killed in Afghanistan?
Are sea coastal dwellers at risk of shark attacks?
Who launched stamps sexier than food bank stamps?
What nation’s President is brainstorming with kings of Silicon Valley to create mo’ Jobs? Good!
Heard of David Leggat yet?
Guest commentary via Aotearoa New Zealand courtesy of the New Zealand Herald’s Yvonne Tahana. Go wahine! :)
“I am not a kapa haka fiend. In fact, I’d rate my relationship with it as A for awkward. The closest I’ve ever come to it was when I did the immersion thing a couple of years ago at Waikato University. We’d do it in the mornings and it was a lovely way to start the day, even for a rythmically challenged dork such as myself who has trouble remembering the words to any song. (The only tune I can claim to know the whole words to – being Vanilla Ice’s Ice Ice Baby – sad but true.).
I’d hide behind taller people so one of the cute tutors who took us sometimes wouldn’t be able to see my crimes. But at Te Matatini o te Ra this week, the national kapa haka competition which is fiercely contested every two years, the crème of the crop made up of 2000 performers from 42 teams has been putting on a spectacle.
At Waiohika Estate on the outskirts of Gisborne, roopu perform in a natural amphitheatre. There’s been times this week where voice has cut out through the air, crystal clean and clear and it’s stopped me in my tracks.
To read more of Yvonne’s ataahua (spunky) words, go here. Thanks Yvonne.

Haere ra Te Toa ou tatou Ngakau a Aoteroa i roto i Afghanistan me Aotearoa.

[Te Matatini Cultural Festival Pics in Oscar nominated history's filmmaking country of Whalerider scenic views, Gisborne of Ngati Porou - the ancestral home of Oscar nominated filmmakers Taika Cohen and producer Ainsley Gardiner. Bottom image - Kiwi Base, Bamyam Provence - Kirifi Mila is farewelled. Kapa Haka News Video Footage, anchorman Scotty Morrison of Te Arawa, Executive Producer Tini Mollyneux of Ngai Tuhoe for Te Karere Maori News]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 2.17.11~

As I blog today in Hollywood as a Maori Kiwi farmer’s raised country kid son, there’s a lot going on to deal with. Nothing is as simple as those country days, in a Cosmopolitan City like Los Angeles.
I get texts on my phone asking for a meeting with a Romanian-American kid whose discovered paranormal activity in Laurel Canyon, beneath the house with a pyramid on top of it, currently on the market for 3.5 million, “why wouldn’t Tom Cruise buy it?’ is the gist of texting. Why I would even go, I don’t know?
I know that the founding Native American Indian tribes of California used to meet in the Laurel Canyon area each year, seasonally and theater would occur between the convergence of tribes there – where they would reenact a year’s worth of tribal stories for each other as tribes, in shared song and dance narratives.
Hollywood in a way, is an evolution, of this tradition, but technology (cinema, film, media, mobile telephony) is the preferred medium to convey this tradition in the world now from California. As I’ve already told this kid that, I don’t feel like going.
There’s always going to be paranormal activity in the Canyon, until Native American Indians are invited back to do what they always did on Hollywood Hills and Canyon landscapes, as people. It’s just what they do and should be allowed to do as a sign of genuine belief in the origins of freedom of expression of America’s founding fathers, mothers and their children. That’s where the concept of American family begins as a narrative in the USA, in a celebrated and ongoing healing process that should be honored and respected too for all of America with Native American Indians being a vital part of that.
I had suggested to the kid to meet with Indian tribes himself if he was so concerned about the increase of paranormal activity in Hollywod, to see if there was any interest in that and to meet with the Mayor of L.A too to get it going on. He had looked at me like I was a total spinner, (I have the same thought each day too at times, so that’s quite okay) but it’s certainly much better than entertaining ghosts in the canyon, I think. Far smarter.
Pyramid worship here of the rich and famous and Free Mason society types aside here, I think Indians have their place in Hollywood as people on this landscape that should be honored and respected as honoring the roots of a nation’s peace and human rights record and pathway forward. So that’s the end of the texting saga as I turn my phone off. Peace is the greatest gift of all in California. Least we get confused at to what robs America’s peace, we need to learn to turn our phones off sometimes to have it.
Beside me to the right, the blonde girl in the cowboy tartan red and black cowboy, all wool shirt (too hot for California actually), cut off denim shorts and black fishnet stockings talks the need of “boundary setting with her new boyfriend” to her ‘Personal Gay’ friend. He just nods at everything she says, like he’s a tamed poodle or something. What’s up with that brainless trend?
A Mexican Aztec fashion designer, with sharp cheekbones talks to investors in the cafe today about how far $100,000 investments could go, and where that would take them. He’s 50 with little Richard eyeliner Aztec eyes. A fierce statement in today’s Hollywood. He’s not big on ‘speaking the English,’ he’s like “You give me $100,000 and this is what you get for that.” Yet there’s no denying that he knows his stuff in the new wave of the fashion apparel business in California. He’s a modern merchant of Cali’s fashion world as perhaps best denoted by his leopard, tiger markings-fused silk printed gypsy-esque scarf worn over his Aztec Indian jewelry. The look in his eye, tells his investors, that he’s fearlessly forging ways forward in the current economy. Good for him! A discerning confident spirit.
He wears an old school biker leather jacket with the words L.O.S A.N.G.E.L.E.S in white leather down each black sleeve and plenty of jean jewelry chain accessories.

Beside and opposite me, Mandel an Orthodox brother studies up on the Torah on his laptop and my African-American brother, Jey Lawrence sits too. Jey’s dad researched in the Warren Beatty, Julie Christie and Goldie Hawn Hollywood-popular era of the 70′s, Jey’s family history. He mapped his families tribe back to the Southern Nile of Egypt, hence Jeys Egyptian key, eye, double spears, skin-shield tattoos. He is very Barack Obama-esque today (the contemporary inked version) and watches college football keeping up with the next generation of sporting talent. Of course being in Hollywood weird things happen all the time in good ways. My last Hollywood post was about the Key of Ramses II fused with the prophet Isaiah’s words. Then Jey sits right next to me, with a version of Ramses tattooed on his arm. His version does look like Obama’s face a bit, and we laugh about that, because it’s true.
In addition, Jey tells me that the Maori haka is a big trend in college football. Where football teams perform the haka (Maori war dance) before their football matches. What is even more awesome though is when the crowd of spectators respond and do it too. Jay says American footballers love Maori culture because it is an expression of warrior-hood and tribalness that defines community, that football represents here at community level. The Maori haka resonates with America’s belief of strong warrior communities.
I can’t argue with that. Maori culture and tino rangatiratanga (the spirit essence of the culture) is all about that. It does think of protecting everyone, and ensuring everyone remains strong warriors in community. The haka is a visual expression of this aesthetic in effect. The haka – when performed properly, is always spiritual. Jey loves it.
Jey has moved from personal fitness training to now doing hair. He says it’s way easier to manage. We talk the concept of ‘hair lockers.’ Where Jey points out the beautiful twenty-something blonde girls in the cafe and says most of these girls have weaves, or hair tracks on their scalps. I’m so dumb, I’m like “no way!”. He’s like, “yes, they all do. California is hair capitol of America.” When they get their hair done, their old hair they take off their heads and they save it. Hence all these girls have what is called a hair locker in their bedrooms at home.
I say, well, Hollywood American girls are sort of like Native American Indians, collecting hair in that scalping tradition way then. Jey says, “not a good example. But yes. You’re right. Half of Hollywood is like that.” We laugh. Servite Football team of California are Jey’s favorite college football team’s fans, he says do the Maori haka the fiercest. They’re also big on Scottish music too. Must check them out. Jey reminds me of my brother-in-laws Lou, once bro-in-law Matthew, Richard and Eddie who all play touch rugby football. Some internationally too. Jey most looks very similar to brotha Eddie who is half Maori of the Tainui Maori tribe and half Tongan of the South Pacific.
‘Don’t be a stranger,’ Jey says off to his next appointment. Dude is so Warren Beatty of Shampoo movie days in 1975 Oscar winning history, minus the attitude. We had a good conversation today, with his permission to share it with you. Yes, feel privileged.

On any given day you blog in a cafe in Los Angeles, such things go on all around you in the real Hollywood.
I love it.
Today Malia gets top billing (pictured above), with her Maori koru design aesthetic from Aotearoa-New Zealand etched into her Young Hollywood scalp. She’s all fierce, smart, beautiful like a skinnier version of Missy Elliott, the rapper; having biz meetings with a blonde guy from the U.K with a Cockney accent whose convincing Malia to sign with him as her photographer/ manager.
She is beautiful, confident, quietly resolute. As I ask to share her winning look back to the good people of Aotearoa-New Zealand where her I.D is inspired from, (and with you all) she smiles big, turns side on and says “Wurq it Mah-ree peoples of New Zeeeeeland.”
Like that. Let’s go America! :)

As a New Zealander, I am that American footballers and supporters do the Maori-Kiwi haka of New Zealand. Just get on a plane every now and again and head down to NZ to see it performed live every now and again, for reals from the source of culture, okay? :)
What a fun day. I feel like I hung out at Hollywood’s version of The White House – Hollywood coffee bar today. Thankfully Aotearoa, New Zealand is so in that picture too. Fun.
[Gosh, that was perhaps the longest blog post header written ever!]
Music today is laid back mellow, as I think about Hawaiian sun, South Pacific palm trees and beautiful Aotearoa beaches, while listening to the Zac Brown Band ‘s song Toes brought to US by 5 Gum, while thinking that I’ve already done our celebrity news today in this one post.
I can imagine my Maori-Samoan cousin Eileen Taogaga grooving to this at the Helensville pub today near the Kaipara, on a mom’s friday night off in the ‘big smoke’ of Helensville as good country Kiwi folk do in any tight knit rural community, with the best green grass in the world, far across the waters on opposite sides of the Pacific Ocean of Malibu as I blog, from The City of Angels today.
~Cross cultural, living tukutuku weaving art on wood created at Melrose & Spaulding. Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 1.26.11. To everyone who contributed to this moment, thanks.~

I love this top pic. It defines the strength of character Kiwis possess who entertain with big-hearted spirit.
The pic below, is a tee shirt in Timeless on Melrose, Los Angeles street chic fashion district, that defines the spirit of Indigenous Kiwis (Maoris or hori’s like me) who survived Colonization’s effects that were once designed to strip us of our beaches, lands, culture, language, identity, spirit, life. Somehow though, we overcame these oppressive death-systems anyway –to forgive the thieves of the past to still be able to move on.
In that regard, we are like Jews and African-Americans. We are more similar to Hawaiians and Native American Indians though in our intrinsic values and connection with earth, place and landscape. Like the Jewish people and our African-American brothers and sisters, we have survived atrocities of the past. For most Indigenous People after such a history in the world – our lives are a witness to the fact that the last will be first, and that we do love ourselves more, than governments or people–who tend to have always taken what they wanted and to pass laws that help them do this without largely being challenged when they are in power and as they come and go. Because we’ve learned a lot through suffering and enduring – for this reason – we are key in world leadership because we have the cultural capitol and the skills like few others do, to make wise leadership choices that are considerate of others.
Because white New Zealanders have lived with Maori for about two centuries now, we have actually made them better people and champions of fairness and human rights (all on our dime – we have pricked their consciences to make them outstanding people)–perhaps more so than any other white people (as a collective community I have met to date) our white Kiwi brothers and sisters are ultimo human-rights conscious in the world. White New Zealanders are amazing people overall. I love them. Basically, we had to fight the evil in them, for them, so they could grow up from inherited cultural bad habits–and now fight for us.
It’s exciting, but they are now showing signs of excelling at human rights awareness in a modern world with intelligent, cultural maturity.
When I look at headlines like “China and the USA square off over human rights” for example, in my heart, I know that this can only happen if both China and America sit down with people like Kiwis and Maori New Zealanders — who have a fair and impartial view as to what good human rights awareness is. That would be very beneficial to both China and the US and their future generations of these nations do this. New Zealand holds many keys in this area for the world’s better future. I have learned after almost five years living in the US as foreign press, that Kiwis (educated Maori-Kiwi in particular) are Super Heroes of Human Rights. It’s our skill and forte.
If America and China don’t do this, we end up with a display of human rights bull sh*t such as this headline in the L.A Times today: “Obama and Hu agree to disagree: The leaders pledge to stabilize Sino-US. ties despite economic and human rights discord.” Meaning China and America pretend to be caring about human rights, but they’re not. They’re just growing stronger economic ties in an imbalanced way without thinking of people being mistreated in both nations while chasing after a buck. That always leads to more discord in the world. It also means that other nations can’t fully trust you – in biz dealings or relationships on any significant level. Falsity is in the mix. Quicksand. Therefore – it is now up to everyone outside of these two nations to call them out on human rights – and not accept this result. How childish, to expect others to do that for you!
From experience, when in constant dialogue about human rights, Maori New Zealanders have learned that non-Maori New Zealanders have also helped us get over our bad cultural habits – so we are better people too and are true depictions of these two images today – in a healthy way. New Zealand culture is exciting. It’s real. It is honest. If you’ve never experienced it – you should travel to New Zealand for at least six weeks. You’ll return a much better person for having done so, and taken the time to just observe and hang out with real, local New Zealand characters. Taking this time – is key.
I’m writing this post as I got proposed to yesterday for marriage, by a complete stranger. I am not Hollywood deluded to believe I am at all remotely that handsome to get such a real offer from a stranger. That honesty led me to the conclusion, that if it is the New Zealand citizenship the world wants – that can be obtained first by getting on a plane and actually visiting the country. I am only one of 4.5 million, so do not represent or speak for all of these people. I speak for me. The rest are far more unique than I am – go see them. You might even fall in genuine love, while there if you have the courtesy to yourself of taking the time.
Two views today. And in New Zealand – we really are both of these strong statements fused into one. A fun country.
Sharing this one – Aotearoa New Zealand’s way today.
Kia kahanui tatou a Aotearoa. And thanks America for thinking so highly of us Maori Kiwi lot. We’re a good gang of funny hobbits overall. Some of us are even hobbits who blog.

* ME = Maori Enterprise. Maori Entrepreneurialship. Maori Economy. Maori Employment. Maori Education (in scientific and medical fields), Maori Equality for all diverse New Zealanders on our ancestors shared New Zealand. And, Maori Expression and ways of being, becoming stronger in the world.
[Written in the spirit of 'tino rangatiratanga' - a legally protected Indigenous Peoples cultural concept of New Zealand law, especially for my mother and her generation--who were once strapped and physically beaten at school by school teachers for speaking the Maori language--and who were punished and heavily censored for writing as honestly as I have here. We talk about it, because we're free. Because we are free, we can talk and write about it openly and transparently. This is the evidence that we are free. And everytime the Maori language is spoken or heard or shared. Even from Hollywood too. Least we forget].
~^Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 1.20.11~
Trailblazers are US-Kiwi – Hollywood Today 2011
Did you know that Te Reo Rangatira is a language holding deeply embedded truth principles, like living words acting as guardians for people and earth preservation:
Weird good things happen in Hollywood. A day or so ago in Hollywood, I did a blog post about Virtual Oceania a website that features paradise on earth website uploads. I also of that world loved musical TV series. What’s it called? Glee I think. Then what happens? Like a magic flute, the lead singer of the music group, Oceania (aka Hinewehi Mohi) who is a Maori singing diva extraordinaire of world renown –magically appears in the news along with my Aunty Naida Glavish. Ba-bling –history shines with melodic “Kia Ora” (Hello) smiles in leading edge world leadership cultural news. Go figure!
Both women put their hands up in world history to defend Te Reo Rangatira (The Language of Chiefs), an official language and cultural treasure of Aotearoa New Zealand – allowed to be spoken, articulated, visibly and proudly for all the world to hear and see the speakers of this beautiful and poetic language containing life-giving thoughts and culture for everyone who dares to think people first and green for the planet.
Read the rest of this entry »

I woke up today and read the book of Ezra. I was left thinking, how can you be Jewish and live in Hollywood, after reading that book.
It was amazing. Although a lot of stuff was weighed.
Ezra of old, was quite a unique guy when it came to nation building. He was asked by King Cyrus of Persia (now modern day Iran) to rebuild Israel in Jerusalem. As you can imagine, such moments in world history, are sort of like miracles, when King’s hearts are turned by a divine hand. Something in Ezra’s life spoke of purity of focus and courage to build. He was Hollywood dramatic too in the way he expressed what he felt for his people. He was a fashion designer’s dream client. His trait of diligence is perhaps something for us all in these times to learn from in rebuilding nations after that rather gutting global economic crises.
Ezra is a good example of why we should write things down as we build. Centuries later, a Maori from New Zealand is reading his words in a US city titled The Entertainment Capitol of the World. He was quite a writer then. A scribe I think, was the correct term.
[Photograph, freshly snapped at Starbucks - Santa Monica & Fairfax, West Hollywood. Music by best selling artist Josh Groban. What a set of pipes! This song especially for a little prince, who joined us with a spirit that would never give up. Mihi atu ki a koe, toku rangatira iti ou tatou ngakau Kahanui o to koroua Kereama, he Tohunga o Te Paipera Tapu o Te Wairua Tapu hoki. Ko koe, He Arohanui o te Atua Kerehi, rite tonu te Ra ma runga a Parahaki. Ko koe, te tama matakitea hoki. ICU and I love you!]
Josh Groban appears live on the Jimmy Kimmel show tonight in Los Angeles.

~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 1.3.11~
True fact: The Maori word for spirit is wairua. It means “two waters.” Water distribution is a spiritually humane act, because it takes anyone with spirit to ensure that people who need it, can have life each hour of the day. Our spirits need to act with goodness so water can happen for 1 billion people. Most of these people are in India and Africa. I wonder if China can help as water has so much significance as a metaphor for spirit in China. When I China is already helping share water.
Exciting News: For only $10 invested at Charity Water, one person in the world can have fresh clean drinking water, for a lifetime – when currently 1 billion people don’t have access to it yet. Isn’t that cool information?
It’s the end of the year in Hollywood. Normally I do the list of The 50 People Who Were Voted Most Hottest in Hollywood, as a really good compare and contrast democratic exercise in who is actually hot –vs, other media outlets lists. It can be quite surprisingly the results. On this website, votes are voted daily. The results always provide a study. For example Lady Gaga was no.1 last year, before she’d even appeared on Oprah’s Show.
This year though I thought instead of glorifying Hollywood’s Top 50 list, a priority first, was to link the list of stars, celebrities, hot Hollywood topics in this blogs category list with the topic of H2O. Sometimes we forget that the difference between a ‘star’ and an unknown third world person – is simply basics of humanity or human rights too, like clean drinking water being one–and equal access to it. So, before that list happens, let’s work the existing list already created of people and stars on this blog, who all can do something to help other peeps have life that flows daily with decent water.
Let’s do it as a Christmas gift to the world. Each star who gets any press going up online, have these news items emailed to them daily in the form of google alerts emails. So, in doing this exercise, this is my challenge as a Maori-Kiwi blogger to each one of US as I like US together as a global community connected to all people in the world, to give the gift of water this Christmas to someone else in celebration of life. Celebrity is about water. A celebrity is “anyone who deserves to be celebrated.” In giving water to someone else–we celebrate life, and we act like true celebrities of the world.
Merry Christmas and if you feel inclined, make a difference. is our water distribution agency today. It’s a trust that is action certified that Nicole Richie all year round. Richie also does work too for water distribution via UNICEF as well. I think that’s pretty gnarly good. Let’s do it and make a difference. Cheers and thanks for reading this blog all year round. May festive greetings flow to others too through US. Much love.
Until every person has clean drinking water –no one in the world has true power. Who are we fooling? There will never be peace in the world, if people are fighting over clean water each day. As a power balance exercise that makes us civilized nations look less fake in the eyes of the world, let’s have some fun and make it happen. :)
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 12.25.10~
Tags: Africa, Babies, Bahamas, Ballads, Balthazar Getty, Bar Refaeli, Barack Obama, Barbados, Barbara Bush, Barbara Streisand, Barbara Walters, Baseball, basketball, Batman, Baz Luhrmann, Beer, Belgium, Ben Affleck, Ben Bernanke, Ben Harper, Ben Lummis, Benji Madden, Berlin, Betty White, beverly hills, Beyonce Knowles, Bic Runga, Bijou Phillips, Bikini Bodies, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Bill Maher, Billionaire HQ on Horiwood.Com, Billionaire Women, Billionaires, Billy Bob Thornton, Billy Ray Cyrus, Bird Runningwater, Birthdays, Black Eyed Peas, Blake Civil-Fielder, Blake Lively, Bling Rings, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Boh Runga, Bollywood, Bon Jovi, Bono, Books, Box Office Stars, Boxing, Boy Bands, Boy George, Boyzone, Brad Cooper, brad Paisley, Brad Pitt, Brandon Flowers, Brazil, Breast Cancer Survivors, Bret Michaels, Brett Michaels, Brian Austin Green, Bristol Palin, Britney Spears, Bronaaki, Bronagh Key, Bronson Pelletier, Brooke Abbott, Brooke Fraser, Brooke Mueller, Brooke Shields, Brooklyn Decker, Brown University, Bruce Springsteen, Bruce Willis, Bryce Dallas Howard, BScott, Buddy Greene, Bulgaria, Butch James, , China, Cross-Cultural Narratives, Culture, Human Rights, Humanitarian Angels on Horiwood.Com, India, Leadership, Liberty, Life, Like A Prayer, Spirit, Star System - The Art of American Celebrity, T-Pain, Tahiti, Talent Management, Talk Shows, Tamaki Makaurau, Tara Reid, Taranaki, Tattoos, Tatum Channing, Taylor Blue, Taylor Jane, Taylor Kitsch, Taylor Lautner, Taylor Momsen, Taylor Swift, Te Matatini, Te Reo Rangatira, Ted Harbert, Ted Turner, Tee Shirts, Teen Moms, Teen Romance, Teen Romance Novel, Teenagers, Tennessee, Tennis, Teri Hatcher, Terri Nunn, Texas, The Beatles, The Bee Gees, The Black Keys, The Go-Go's, The Hangover, The Hills, The Hobbit, The Jacksons, The Killers, The Muppets, The Muttonbirds, The Osmonds, The Pope, The Rock, The Rolling Stones, The View, The Young Turks, Theater, Theme Parks, Think Green, Thought For Today, TI, TIger Woods, Tim Burton, Tim Finn, Tim Gunn, Tim McGraw, Time, Timothy Geithner, Tina Fey, Tina Knowles, Tino Rangatiratanga, Tinsley Mortimer, Tish Cyrus, Tolerance, Tom Brady, Tom Cruise, Tom Ford, Tom Hanks, Tom Hardy, Tommy Lee, Tonga, Tony Blair, Tony Parker, Tori Spelling, Toronto, Tourism, Toys, Trace Cyrus, Tracey Chapman, Tracy Morgan, Transparency in a Digital Age, Travel Destinations, Trends, Trey Songz, True Blood, Tupac, Turkey, TV Ratings, TVC, Tween Romance, Tween Romance Novel, Tween Romance Novels, Tweens, Twilight, Twitter, Tyler Perry, Tyler Shields, Tyra Banks, wairua, Water, World News, World Peace, Young Hollywood
“My cultural pride I will show, that you may know, who I am.”–song lyrics, Aaria.
Beautiful voices from The Shaky Isles today.
Mauri ‘Ola Tatou! Life to US!!!
[Footage: Singer Stan Walker & Whanau/Family from Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia]
Lyrics: He kakano ahau i ruia mai i rangi atea (I am a seed scattered from Rangiatea)
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Tags: America, Aotearoa - New Zealand, Aotearoa Television Hollywood, Australia Television Service Hollywood, Awesome Aussies, California, Commonwealth, Commonwealth Television Service Hollywood, Family Unit as an Eclectic Super Hero, Family Vs Fame, Hawaii, Hawaii Television Service Hollywood, Hori = Maori, Kool Kiwis, Krazy Kiwis, Leadership, Maori, Maori Television, Maori Television Service Hollywood, Music Industry News, New Zealand, Polynesian, Polynesian Television Service Hollywood, Spirit, Stan Walker, Te Reo Rangatira, Think Green, Tino Rangatiratanga, Wairua, Whanau, World News, World Peace

No Ordinary Sun by Hone Tuwhare for lost Māwhera Miners & Korea North & South
Tree let your arms fall:
raise them not sharply in supplication
to the bright enhaloed cloud.
Let your arms lack toughness and
resilience for this is no mere axe
to blunt nor fire to smother.
Your sap shall not rise again
to the moon’s pull.
No more incline a deferential head
to the wind’s talk, or stir
to the tickle of coursing rain.
Your former shagginess shall not be
wreathed with the delightful flight
of birds nor shield
nor cool the ardour of unheeding
lovers from the monstrous sun.
Tree let your naked arms fall
nor extend vain entreaties to the radiant ball.
This is no gallant monsoon’s flash,
no dashing trade wind’s blast.
The fading green of your magic
emanations shall not make pure again
these polluted skies . . . for this
is no ordinary sun.
O tree
in the shadowless mountains
the white plains and
the drab sea floor
your end at last is written.
Source – Hone Tuwhare Poems

[Image: Aunt Elvis/ Aunt Elvira's typewriter, November 2010, California USA. Bottom Image - Māwhera Quay or Greymouth 1919 courtesy of New Zealand History.Net] Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Art, artist, Culture, Grief, Hone Tuwhare, Hori = Maori, Maori, Māwhera, Ngai Tahu, North Korea, Poetry, Scotland, Sir Apirana Ngata, South Africa, South Korea, Te Reo Rangatira, Tino Rangatiratanga, World Peace

Swifty and Dame Liz - Two people who helped build the Hollywood star system. One threw the best parties each year, where next year’s deals were brokered and A-List star rankings were determined.
The other reenacted, what she knew of a star system that had worked for centuries. She acted like a Queen of a commonwealth of stars assembled in Hollywood that were drawn from all over America and the world. Liz Taylor was the center along with Samuel Lazar.
A beaut shot of two star makers – least we forget our manners and our knowledge of history in California today and how America’s brightest stars have been shaped and created. This tradition has always been a global effort.
To be a Maori-Kiwi and add your contribution to this tradition in a small way via a Hollywood blog daily, is what we call “tika” to do in our corner of the world. Always fun to do.
It’s called an expression of “tino rangatiratanga” or a sovereign expression of one’s spirit of liberty in the world, contributing to the future direction of it. Tino rangatiratanga as a part of the world’s new star system, also means “to think green for future generations as people living in a sovereign harmonious state, in dialogue with the environment and the earth.”
It’s a beautiful tradition that all Indigenous Peoples of the world have always believed. Today, Hollywood’s brightest stars think of others (including the least in the world) and they dare to think green for the planet and its people – over any other value system or reward system of fame.
James Cameron‘s film Avatar with this theme, proved this sentiment, achieving the best selling Hollywood film in box office history. Cameron’s direction as a Hollywood auteur bore witness with people the world over, that this is what we want from the City of Angels and other film making meccas of the world. It’s where Hollywood is at, in representing strong messages for the world in cinema and entertainment texts. Anything else, pales in its irrelevant meaninglessness and is archaic.
When I look at this image of Swifty and Dame Liz, they stood for something important. They took on the role of testing the existing star system and making it better, stronger, brighter and more relevant and meaningful. Today in Hollywood, so do a rising new generation of earth-conscious humanitarian stars. These people are re-altering Hollywood’s current star system, making it stronger by ignoring the dross and realigning entertainment with strong stories the world needs today.These stories are green, compassionate, human.
It’s fun living in Hollywood and California. I love being Maori and Kiwi and living right in the middle of it. It’s where Maori belong too. Positioned right in the Middle, shaping the form and future flow of fun! We are so Hollywood in the 2010′s.
~Image courtesy of Vanity Fair. Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 11.17.10~
Tags: America, California, Commonwealth, Dame Elizabeth Taylor, Hollywood Entertainment News, Hollywood History, Hollywood Maori Kings, Hori = Maori, Indigenous Peoples - United Nations, Indigenous Thinking, Irving Swifty Lazar, James Cameron, Leadership, Maori, Oscar Winner, Oscars, Star System - The Art of American Celebrity, Star System - The Art of Auckland The Supercity Celebrity, Star System - The Art of Wellywood Celebrity, Think Green, Tino Rangatiratanga, UK
Today was the biggest growth day on the blog in two months.
Thanks for the mad love everyone. Together, we’re making history.
God bless you all. Thank you.
Let’s rock this, together!
What I have learned at this point blogging, is that Maori-Kiwis really can live away from whanau (family) iwi (tribe) in the US full time, for 4 and a half years now.
I’ve learned that I love America, more than most people claim they do.
This is a great nation, diverse and beautiful and I feel very privileged and blessed to have been a small part of it, during some very interesting years. As most of you who read the blog are American, “thank you,” have faith in yourself, as many of us (your friends who are non-American) do. We believe in you!
No matter what the day may serve up, may a growing bond never change between you and your allied nations of friends. When you’re down, it us who, within reason, hold your arms up in shared victory. That’s what real friends are for. Kiwis (New Zealanders) are such real people. We don’t quit good people. The victory is not always monetary. A change for you all perhaps in these not always smooth, political years and growing pains. Instead, the victory we share together is a shared world for future generations, beyond temporary moments of instant gratification known as ‘our lifetime.’
On that note, here’s a group of lads, all of whom are perhaps much more noble than me –yet not one has my profile, even though they all should– whose ancestors all raised them to think of their grandchildren’s grandchildren. Here’s some more Maori entertainment from the priceless lads of K2 Maori Company.
Blogging in H-Wood, most days I feel like one of these bros. Not much different to any one them. I believe that not enough Maori men are seen or visible at high profile levels of leadership in the world. Yet the world needs what Maori men know culturally, at this point in world history. Especially in America, hence a motivating reason of why I blog.
Incidentally, most Kiwi kids grew up singing this song. I was about ten? I think, when I first learned it with my siblings, next door neighbors and friends. I still know all the words off by heart. When I was in Hawaii I heard some Hawaiian bros singing this hori jingle too, so it’s a bit of a global hit, worth sharing. Americans… you’re quite surprising people, to know this song. Thank you all for being a part of our diverse view, that includes Maori presence (taste preferences and observations) daily too in Hollywood and America. Mauri ‘Ola - life to you!
Golden couple of the day: Jessica Simpson & Eric Johnson
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 11.14.10~
Tags: A Diverse View, A MillionThank Yous, America, Aotearoa - New Zealand, Aotearoa Television Hollywood, Asia-Pacific, Asia-Pacific Television Hollywood, Gratitude, Hawaii, Hawaii Television Service Hollywood, Hollywood Entertainment News, Hollywood Maori Kings, Hollywood Today, Hori = Maori, Horiwood A Novel Tale, K2 Maori Company, Kapa Haka, Kool Kiwis, Krazy Kiwis, Live Music Artists, Love, Maori, Maori Television, Maori Television Service Hollywood, Mighty Men, Military, Music Industry News, New Zealand, Polynesian, Polynesian Television Service Hollywood, Romance, Te Reo Rangatira, Texas, Think Green, Tino Rangatiratanga, World Peace

As a leader I love her because she can listen and divide matters fairly. In this regard she’s just like her grandma, Lady Thorp–Horiwood on Trinity Brooke’s fearless leadership skills.
Trinity Brooke of rugby royalty has a beaming smile today as she hangs out with some girlfriends for a bit of socialite time in the U.K. She is the grandchild of Lady Patricia Thorp, the sweetest woman who served Auckland City on The Council looking after the environment. That was Lady Thorp’s hot thing, amongst many. As a leader, Brooke is a young lady I trust. She’s always worthy of spotlight and she’s a pearla.
When it comes to entertainment trends, Trinity has the best tastes. She grew up with women the ilk of Debbie Harwood singing impromptu (no bands, no palava just real true fearless Kiwi talent) around her dinner table, as a kid growing up in New Zealand, so you can’t blame Trin really. She’s the real deal Pasifika knowing Kiwi girl. Impeccable taste.
Trinity and myself, thanks to Lady Thorp, both went together to see Michael Jackson and Janet Jackson perform live in concert, because Patricia was like that. If someone was talented with a message people needed to see and hear and feel, Patricia was the all for the talented person in the world. I still thank her for her gifts of leadership today, that Trinity Brooke now also carries so richly in her young life. Trinity Brooke is special. She knows the ways and I know that Trinity does. Women of action. Can’t be beat.
When we last caught up with Trinity, she’d recently given birth to baby Oscar Brooke and then had launched right on into a wee triathlon excursion. Kiwi’s–we’re full on!
Trinity is all about health and fitness. Actually this girl always has been as far as I can recall. Love her. She’s a fine basketball player and netball player too.
What a gorgeous Maori-Kiwi smile. Full beam ahead then. Hey Trin. :)
[Trinity Brooke is proudly of the Ngati Awa Maori tribe and also of Matakana Island Maori tribal affiliations too. Now based in London, Brooke is from Auckland the Supercity and has fun family in Melbourne Australia too. Image Trinity's own. Amy Te Whetu is pictured with Trinity on the right. Go Maori-Kiwi girl's in the UK!]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 11.11.10~
Tags: Amy Te Whetu, Auckland - The Super City, Auckland City, Awesome Aussies, basketball, Commonwealth, Debbie Harwood, Economic Growth Opportunities, Economy, Entertainment News, Family Vs Fame, Fitness, Health & Beauty, Hollywood Entertainment News, Hori = Maori, Janet Jackson, Kool Kiwis, Lady Patricia Thorp, Leadership, London, Maori, Maori All Blacks Rugby Football Team, Matakana Island, Medicine Science, Melbourne, Michael Jackson, Netball, New Zealand, New Zealand All Black, New Zealand All Blacks, Ngati Awa, North Auckland, Paradise New Zealand, Rugby, Rugby World Cup, Silver Ferns, Smile Club, Sports, Sports Horiwood, Super heroes, Think Green, Tino Rangatiratanga, Trends, UK, What's cooking in your kitchen for the World?, When The Cat's Away, Women

In Support of Boy a film by Taika Cohen introducing James Rolleston
Sam Cruickshank (Horiwood, a blogger) and Taika Cohen, (the Maori-Jewish Kiwi Tarantino) & Hollywood’s reigning Maori King, Cliff Curtis (Leading light, Producer).
With special thanks to producers: Ainsley Gardiner, Merata Mita’s family, Michael E & the New Zealand Film Commission.
Alright… where’s Temuera?
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 11.9.10~

Tags: Aotearoa - New Zealand, Cliff Curtis, Entertainment Distribution, Entertainment News, Hollywood Entertainment News, Hollywood History, Hollywood Maori Kings, Hollywood Today, Irving Swifty Lazar, James Rolleston, Kool Kiwis, Krazy Kiwis, Maori, Maori Filmmaking, New Zealand, New Zealand Filmmaking, Sam Cruickshank, Taika Cohen, Temuera Morisson, Tino Rangatiratanga
[A brown owls/ els Parliament Post on Mining: In this video footage from Te Karere, The Maori News, Kelvin Davis of Ngati Manu, Karetu, Bay of Islands has some interesting thoughts to share on Maori and Kiwi mining. He is "no." My thoughts are, minerals are the allusion of wealth (a metaphor of sciences future direction linked into IT production too). Like diamonds allude to a wealth trail--minerals are the bait to attract other biz deals in a modern world, and you must have some minerals on the whanau table, or else you'll miss out on meeting global trade opportunities. I have ideas, but they're not being put on here. :)
Perhaps quality, limited supply, over quantity is a good balance for Kelvin's tribe--and being more strategic with developing the use of minerals as Maori tribes, so the supply is maximized and controlled more (for a purpose--not wasteful), to preserve the resource could be key too. China, India, America--all want minerals (a strategy to save oil usage on the planet)--specifically for green energy technologies advancement, so if the Kaupapa is green there may be a meeting point there. Always remain open. Put some family jewels on the table. Give a little. Diversity from tourism is key too. What to do to be a part of the global game? Watch this clip. Mauri O'la Kelvin Davis].

[John Key picture courtesy of Indigenous Peoples and Polyeurasian magazine, Tu Mai; Great Barrier Island pictures, courtesy of Destination 360, GW]
New Zealand is such an onto it, nation. Everything you can imagine is there in this paradise nation, naturally, but the leaders of this nation, are mindful that they are stewards for future generations of the wealth and abundance they collectively share.
The rare leadership displaying respect to the environment is, in-the-main, a unique cultural-economic role they play, called “Kaitiaki” which means a Guardian.
They are stewards and guardians of the future generations of New Zealand and this rules their thinking of a temporal sense of personal gratification and selfish use of the resources of the earth. To me, they are star leaders, their knowledge of the environment, woven into governance matters–is a star template for leading-edge, wise global leaders worldwide.
Within this context of leadership, a timely discussion is occurring with Maori leaders of New Zealand and Prime Minister John Key on the topic of mining. Here’s a full report from TV3 News on this issue, down under in the green paradise nation of Aotearoa/ New Zealand or Middle Earth as we know it too, in California.
TV3 NEWS reports: “Iwi leaders and the Government have met to discuss mining, and how Maori could be part of talks about future mining and energy issues to prevent disagreements such as that by East Coast Maori over oil exploration in the Ruakumara Basin.
Prime Minister John Key and Energy and Resources Minister Gerry Brownlee met the Iwi Leaders Group last night.

[Metiria Turei is a Green Party politician. Her party believes in the legalization of Marijuana and Preserving the Earth's resources with green-thinking strategies forward in a modern world. Whenever she appears on any political matter, she pops! Her political trajectory is colorful showcasing both the humor, theatricality yet intelligence of the New Zealand sense of showpersonship. Read her resume for chuckles. There's no Hollywood or Washington star quite like her]
[To visit Great Barrier Island go here. I went to school on this Island briefly with my siblings as a kid. Everything about it is other worldly. It's a country paradise surrounded by extraordinary beaches. It was like living on the set of that hit Hollywood TV series Fantasy Island every day. Great Barrier Island is real, but surreal. Beautiful. Go to this Island to let your children discover a quality adventure with nature.] News story continues.
Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: New Zealand, Maori, Entertainment News, Wisdoms Buffet, Politics, Leadership, Wisdom, Whanau, Te Reo Rangatira, Economy, Ngati Porou, Tino Rangatiratanga, Think Green, John Key, Hori = Maori, Entrepreneurs, Nga Puhi Tonu Nui, Wonders Of The World, Maori Television, iMinerels, Environment, Marijuana, Maori Television Service Hollywood, Christchurch, Ngai Tahu, Tainui, Tini Molyneux, In New Zealand, Green and Brown are the new Black, Canterbury, Te Whānau-ā-Apanui, Captain Golden Fern for New Zealand Butter's Delish-ness, Green Technologies, New Zealand is a Minerals Rich Nation, Roihana Nuri, Tau Henare, Trade, Economic Growth Opportunities, Kaitiakitanga, Metiria Turei, Mark Solomon, Gerry Brownlee, Kelvin Davis, Ngati Manu, Karetu, Tukuroirangi Morgan, Shane Taurima, Great Barrier Island, Fantasy Island
Maori walk on stormy water of a historical legacy of laws (and actions of confiscation and exclusion of Maori) effectively shutting Maori out of equal property ownership and resources. Add to this, the current times of an economic global crises. ‘Miracle Maori’ and ‘Maori-friendly miracle-thinkers’ are needed to set New Zealand up to be competitive globally in the 2020′s. Let’s fly and walk on water faster, then. But wait, is that approach scientific? Kia Ora from Hollywood New Zealand. :)
Another thought is that –if every Western nation is clamoring to boost their economy with China and India (both nations total a population of 1/3rd of the world’s total population), then Maori can’t necessarily look to Western countries. If this is the case, culturally nuanced Maori (who have lived as bi-cultural and multi-cultural people daily) on a real level, not token, perhaps have the skills needed to meet and negotiate for New Zealand from a nuanced cultural basis, being key, to aid the advancement of all New Zealanders in a growing NZ economy with emerging markets with China and India.
Having posited that thought, Maori children need to learn to speak hindu and Chinese then asap, right along with Espanol. I think.
Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: China, Cross-cultural Narratives, Economic Growth Opportunities, Economy, iMinerels, In New Zealand, India, Kaitiakitanga, Languages, Leadership, Maori, Maori Economy, Minerals, New Zealand, New Zealand is a Minerals Rich Nation, Nga Puhi Tonu Nui, Ngati Whatua, Politics, Tino Rangatiratanga, Tukutuku
Te Karere, a Maori News show in New Zealand, are doing some of the best news in the entertainment biz lately. Here’s that story, everyone is talking about. This version in Te Reo Rangatira (The Language of Chiefs) of New Zealand.
The day Hilllary Clinton touched down in New Zealand, the story aired with a headline: The Most Powerful Women in the World Arrives in New Zealand. This prompted a politician to give a funny aside like the theatricality of a good Shakespeare play, (read that here).
In the top video clip, here’s Hillary Clinton and Prime Minister John Key as Mrs Clinton, gets an official powhiri (Maori welcome).
My favorite part of this footage, is where Hillary presses noses in greeting (it’s called the hongi) symbolizing the breath of life in your nose, mingling with the breath of life in your fellow sisters and brothers.
Equality of life is shared in the warm gesture of manaaki (or hospitality) when “hongi moments” happen, celebrating the meeting of our diverse and shared human presence–is what the intimate gesture symbolizes.
Maori are big on face-to-face talking, greetings, shared communication and presence. This cultural trait, all Kiwis seem to share. If you’re serious, you’ll turn up, is the view – Mrs Clinton did not disappoint. What a woman.

Her “hongi” moment, is exactly like James Cameron‘s Avatar film (photo below), which is where uber-talented James perhaps got the idea from. It’s so surreal to be Maori in Hollywood and watching Hilary (US Secretary of State) go Avatar-Maori with a good hongi session in Middle Earth, Wellington New Zealand. She’s one of US now. That’s also what the hongi means.
Watching it go down in this news clip, I forgot what country I was in. It took 36 hours for the ‘surreal feeling’ to calm down and to readjust back to American life. Lol! *jokes*
[By the way: To see how thorough, personable and informative Prime Minister Key is at updating his people, with transparent communication from his Beehive Parliamentary office, watch this video clip of one of the Kiwi King's regular updates. Good leadership, aye!].
Now, let’s get back to Hillary in the top clip, she’s looking good.

I can’t help but think of smart action partnerships, being the result of US-Kiwi political ties. Green thinking strategies are ahead. I see plenty of fun shared between two showcasing nations – both who love to entertain. A win-win combo.
Update: Fran O’Sullivan of the New Zeland Herald notes how Prime Minister, Mr Key, genuinely slipped up by introducing Mrs Clinton as “President Clinton,” by way of a genuine gaffe. It’s a compliment to Mr Obama that Hillary is so Presidential in her role as US Secretary of State.
Here’s an image of a Maori koru (symbolizing courage in change when facing challenges). The koru spiral (a metaphor of a fern frond’s growing spear tip – new life) is depicted on President Ronald Reagan‘s Hollywood Star, Hollywood Walk of Fame–to reciprocate the spirit of American-Kiwi and Maori-Hawaii relationships, cross-over art and culture, remaining strong between our entertaining nations of diverse and vibrant peoples in world politics.
Again, what a fine Ambassador for her President, Mr Obama and her First Lady, the lovely Michelle Obama, Hillary Clinton is and was down in NZ. She rocked the gig.
Bring it on — in the 2010′s from New Zealand and America.

[Presenter: Scotty Morrison, Reporter Roihana Nuri, Executive Producer: "The Most Powerful Woman In The Maori World" Tini Molyneux, for Bronagh Key and Te Karere, TVNZ News. National Standards Education Standards can be sourced here.]

To visit New Zealand yourself and experience the culture – Go Here.

[Images of Wellywood/ Wellington, photographer - David Wall]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 11.4.10~
Tags: 3D - Monarchs in 3D R US - KiwiS, A Diverse View, America, APEC, ASEAN Countries, Asia-Pacific, Asia-Pacific Television Hollywood, California, China, Cilmate Change, Climate, Cross-cultural Narratives, Culture, Hawaii, Hawaii Television Service Hollywood, Hillary Clinton, Hori = Maori, India, Indigenous Peoples - United Nations, Indigenous Thinking, James Cameron, Japan, John Key, Kool Kiwis, Korea, Krazy Kiwis, Laos, Maori, Maori Television, Maori Television Service Hollywood, New Zealand, Philippines, Politics, Polynesian, Polynesian Television Service Hollywood, Roihana Nuri, Ronald Reagan, Russia, Scotty Morrison, Singapore, South Pacific Television Hollywood, Star System - The Art of American Celebrity, Star System - The Art of Wellywood Celebrity, Stars Hollywood Walk of Fame, Te Reo Rangatira, The Wellington Declaration, Tini Molyneux, Tino Rangatiratanga, Tukutuku, Vietnam, Wellington, Wellywood

“A clear perspective – JB”
Jerry Brown has returned to the ring, to be Governor Elect of California.
He’s 72, fighting fit – and holds press conferences at Oakland.
He’s California Governor King 2010′s. What got Jerry elected? The strength of the brown people vote of California, namely Latino.
Let’s see what grey powered wisdom he creates within California to lift up America and maintain the festive contribution Latina and Latino, Hispanic-Americans have been giving California for hundreds of years, before all of us aliens got here to rock it out with Star Trek films and the like.
Exciting stuff. Wisdom at the forefront is a gift of grey powered citizens world wide. The vote of the majority, is a gift of brown people worldwide –lest we ever forget. Obviously, brown and grey of any color can work successfully together. ‘Brown’ cultures of the world, respect their elderly, in a way that many ‘societies’ in ‘the modern’ world, have forgotten.
I’m excited about Jerry Brown here in Cali. Depth with style. Not a bad combo. His spirit reminds me of a California version of a “Winston Churchill solid oakwood kind of bloke.” I’m going with that feeling and vibe. Solid like oak wood.
Needless to say, Salsa chips are up in California with this news. Today though, for Oakwood nations – I’m going with an image of brown jellybeans in a jar – in honor of a clear perspective, Brown and people like him can offer US all.
In the Maori language as customary and appropriate from New Zealand to a new King – “Mihi atu ki a koe ou tatou Rangatira o Te Kawangatanga Pai a “Hori-Rakau.” Kia kaha. Ka Tu to Wairua Kitea Pai. Karawhiua.”
Go Fellah.
Here’s Jerry Brown in pictures from the LA Times –after a win, that Obama described as being a “shellacking.” At the moment: “The governor-elect has a ‘very sobering’ meeting in Washington today, with the director of finance and vows to begin work on a spending plan, which must be submitted within days of his taking office in January.” It’s all about a good excel spread sheet really, aint it!
[This post by Hollywood's resident Maori brown-Kiwi lad, demonstrating the art of Brown Shell Power - The Kiwi Pop Art Way in the Hollywood Hood. Horiwood.Com. Ca. USA. 11.4.10~

Closing Thought: The people of this man on a broom (pictured cleaning in Oakland after Jerry Brown's victory speech), were responsible for saving California (possibly America's too) future. Go Latino and Latina of the USA and THE WORLD! Cool people. Caliente politics are sweeping America, right now! Clean sweep shellackings, even! This one going in Obama's favor. :)

We are because we see through color
we see people all connected to Earth and brown soil
from the youngest to the eldest, from the least to the greatest
all sustained with Life from the Middle (heart) of Earth's goodness.
We like to share
around like Chinese-esque Kiwi fruit
grown in Middle Earth and California.

~NZ Kiwis for Latina, Latino, California, all people of America & more fun in the World. Pic sources: tahi, rua, . Music: Good Kiwi girls sounds: When the Cats Away starring Annie Crummer & friends… Kia Orana!!!~
Tags: Annie Crummer, California, Campaigns, China, Combatting Racism, Cross-cultural Narratives, Diversity, Earth Romance, Eco-Friendly, Economic Growth Opportunities, Economic Teen Bullying, Economy, Espanol, Govenorship, Grace, Gratitude, Green and Brown are the new Black, Green Technologies, Grey Power, Helensville, Heritage Arts & Culture, Hispanic-Americans, Hobbitsville Hollywood, Hori = Maori, Indigenous Peoples - United Nations, Indigenous Thinking, Jerry Brown, Kawanatanga, Kitchen Architecture, Kitchen King, Kitchen King Speaks, Kiwi Pop, Latina, Latino, Leadership, Liberty, Life, Lift Up America, Maori, Maori Art House Cinema, Maori Filmmaking, Mexico, Middle Earth, Middle Earth Politics, Middle Eastern Representation, Midnight Oil, Mighty Men, Music Videos, Native American Indians, Native Canadian Indian, New Zealand, New Zealand Filmmaking, New Zealand is a Minerals Rich Nation, Plutarch, Politics, Polynesian, Polynesian Filmmaking, Pop Art, Pop Culture Commentary, Producers, Quircke Productions, Rarotonga, Tino Rangatiratanga, UK, United Nations, United States of Brown, What's cooking in your kitchen for the World?, When The Cat's Away, Winston Churchill, Wisdom, Wisdoms Buffet, World News, World Peace

“Middle Earth is a 3D film making environment of film making excellence, rich in imagination facilitating diverse culture’s vision (their tino rangatiratanga and unique cultural sovereignty of culture) and their vibrantly entertaining expression in 3D film. Middle Earth is rich in acceptance of others’ difference & a film making haven of World Peace”–Horiwood, 2020′s.
“In 3D, all nations are created equal, in Wellywood film making practices, imagination, execution and delivery of film production excellence.”–Abe Lincoln and Horiwood.
A film is not a film, unless it is made in the Spirit of the experimental filmmaker–Len Lye, filmic artist, Taranaki.
In New Zealand we collaborate and create the world’s next array of Super Heroes in 3D, with powerful messages of good that impact and change the global consciousness and future direction of the world, through Kiwi made pop culture in cinema, merchandising, music soundtracks and entertainment distribution–2020′s
Writes Barry Glibb of the :
“Perhaps unemployed Americans should move to New Zealand to become underpaid production assistants for all these movies.”–Barry was responding to: “JAMES CAMERON’S AVATAR SOARS AHEAD ON WINGS OF HOBBIT LAW CHANGE”
A response: HORIWOOD – What a great idea Barry. The lifestyle that nature has to offer Americans, when not on set in New Zealand – is accessible to all – and would more than make up for any pay cuts.
Also, travel – let’s all people grow up and learn, outside their own cultural frames of reference.
It shows security within peoples own sense of identity, when Americans become a minority on distant shores and blend with the world too. Happily.
In New Zealand, people like dialogue, (not one-sided cultural monologue–so Americans will be more than fine in that switch and exchange). Exciting.
With New Zealand’s potential to attract Bollywood and China to New Zealand landscapes to film musicals and action films in NZ too in 3D in the future, the Americans who do make early inroads into NZ 3D filmmaking NOW – will be set with work for life.
NZ is going to become busy. A globally sought after 3D filmmaking nation. How New Zealanders welcome warmly diverse cultures of the world and overseas actors and crew members too (including those from Hollywood, Bollywood, Hong Kong, Mainland China, Dubai, Russia, UK–every now and again–France), will determine the return rate of these nations to NZ as a filmmaking nation. As far as America is concerned (Avatar’s record breaking success as Hollywood’s leading film of all time box office history), New Zealand is a culturally friendly place for Americans to work and conquer from, with a Hollywood-Wellywood partnership.
Conclusion: Your blog Barry, is rocking, albeit as minimalist as it is, I enjoyed the guide to your twitter account. Thanks for commenting. Incidentally New Zealand has 5% more women than men in its total population, so there’s a few girls that wouldn’t mind marrying an American crew member and sharing citizenship and beach views like no other. A lot to look forward to, aye?!
Wellywood is the box office winning 3D Film Franchises Haven of the film making world. Those who find success with their franchises, will all own homes in New Zealand on beach fronts and live there for most of the year. Their kids will be raised there. It’s the new more-relaxed mecca of box office power players, that can deliver proven results. Well, in 2020, this will be so–Wellywood is the World’s 3D Mecca. It is Middle Earth. A meeting place in The Middle for all cultures to realize the cinematic visions, without culture being compromised in the film making process. New Zealand is a culturally rich haven, paradise nation for this to occur for 3D film makers across the globe. Good change ahead in Middle Earth.
I like your thinking Barry, where yes, film crew getting roughed around in Hollywood should move to NZ. Why not! NZ is a nation based on immigrants who joined the Indigenous Maori People, so as one of them, NZ can handle you bonding with us Maori-Kiwi lot. It’s how we came to be as a nation, just like America.
Incidentally how any nation has treated their Indigenous Peoples, is the barometer of all human rights relations in the world. It’s the gage of whether other cultures can be trusted dealing within our shores fairly as nations. So as a Maori-Kiwi if you want to move to NZ, I say… Go for it! Get on board brother. More studios other than WETA will spring up in New Zealand too, in order to handle the demand and keep a fair and competitive 3D filmmaking industry occurring in NZ. The economic possibilities are exciting.

[Images - Costume Design worthy -runway fashions - China in Tokyo & Indian sari]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood Caifornia
Tags: 2020's PanaVision in 3D, 3D, 3D Film Locations, 3D IT-IP is "Key-We" Heading Towards 2020's, 3D Movie Development Opportunities, 3D Musicals, A Diverse View, A MillionThank Yous, Abraham Lincoln, Accents, Action Stars, America, Architectural Design, Art, artist, Bollywood, Canada, Cannes, China, Combatting Racism, Commonwealth, Community, Composers, Costume Design, Culture, Directors, Diversity, Dubai, Economic Growth Opportunities, Film Crew Stars, Film Franchises, France, Global Theater in 3D Cinema, Heat, hobbits, Hobbitsville Hollywood, Hollywood Maori Kings, Hong Kong, Hori = Maori, Human Rights, I have a Dream, Imagine in New Zealand in 3D, India, Indigenous Peoples - United Nations, Indigenous Thinking, Japan, Kiwi Pop, Kool Kiwis, Krazy Kiwis, Las Vegas, Leadership, Len Lye, London, Lord of The Rings, Maori, Mau Rākau, Middle Earth, Middle Earth Politics, Middle East, Middle Eastern Representation, Native American Indians, Nevada, New Zealand, New Zealand Filmmaking, Nga Puhi Tonu Nui, Ngati Whatua, Ngila Dickson, Opera, Oscars, Pana-Vision, Paris, Polynesian, Polynesian Filmmaking, Pop Culture Commentary, Producers, Projects, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Social Re-Engineering, Songwriters, Sonic Boom of World Peace is the sound of Courage To Love, Star System - The Art of Wellywood Celebrity, Sundance Film Festival, Super heroes, Super Powers Discourse & Direction, Sweetness & Diplomacy, Taranaki, The Costume Institute at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Theater, Think Green, Thought For Today, Tino Rangatiratanga, Tokyo, Top Earners, Top Show Biz Earners, Toronto, Tourism, Toys, Trade, Trends, Tukutuku, UK, Visibility is Credibility, Vision, Wellywood, Wellywood and Auckland Theme Parks, Wisdom, Wisdoms Buffet, World Peace, Youth Economic Opportunities in America

In dance, we see God, the Lord of The Dance–Horiwood for Amelia Lynch 2010′s
Amelia Lynch is a dancer and a cutie pie.
I met Amelia in L.A, quite by chance, about 2 years ago here in Hollywood.
To find out about this Maori girl’s dancing ability in both Hollywood and in New Zealand check her on Her spirit is beyond sweet.
The way New York is going, building a $100 million arts center at site Ground Zero, of which the main attraction is the big Dance Theater, I think Amelia has got a good shot at choreographing something amazing and performing a significant new work in front of world leaders in NYC in the future–if she wants to.
Maori women have such amazing stories. The women they descend from, have rich history to draw from, in stories of dance and resilient strength.
Having met Amelia, she’s got my vote. Amelia: Try to collaborate with a playwright initially just to structure a piece with you (not for, always with) and also look at the African-American choreographers, that First Lady Michelle Obama honored recently at The White House.
Stories of marginalization, struggle, slavery, loss, finding peace with loss and rebuilding a life – being redeemed through dance – this is the art of American dance narratives in the 2010′s. It’s all about redemption. Moving forward past loss, into freedom. Body as instrument as an expression of hope within the human spirit. It’s the fuel and form of American Arts for this decade.
Suggested homework – Take Maya Angelou‘s “Still, I Rise” poem, select favorite quotes from a Patricia Grace novel. Work with a musical composer to tell a story with them of an interwoven narrative from both of these two important female writers and voices of the US and also NZ.
Enter the character of “Wahine” whose story you’re telling. Be her, bring her alive in dance. Paint a portrait with movement, your body, your imagination. Who is she? What is her journey? How does her body move? What did she overcome? What was the climb of her journey? Her rise is? You. Show this in dance.
The resulting music composition, choreograph a 15 minute dance piece to it.
You’ll be rocking. Also look at the work of Donna Wood (also featured on this blog). Aroha and Kia Kaha beautiful!
Go dancer bee. Under my nieces umbrella, I got your back, for creative inspiration when you need! :)

~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 10.24.10 – This one especially for Crystal Rachel my niece, a friend of friends and creative people, just like Amelia is a producer of Art, entertainment and talent-segueing too. Producers, 2010. More do, then talk. That’s US. Let’s go!~
Tags: Amelia Lynch, Art, artist, California, Choregraphers, Crystal Rachel, Dance, Family Vs Fame, Leadership, New York, New Zealand, Producers, Tino Rangatiratanga, Writers

Who: Yasmin Bidois
What: School girl, model.
Age: 15
Tribal Affiliations: Nga Puhi (hey!) and Ngati Awa (hei tiki!)
Ethnicity: Maori, French, Kiwi.
Photgraphed by: Marcelle Te Huia
Make Up: Brigitte O’Grady
Stylist: Leah Netton
Discovered: Mall. Cinema. Auckland City.
High School: Mt Albert Grammar School
Media Source: Tu Mai Magazine
Mauri Ora Yasmin from Hollywood. Kia kaha. Ka Aroha mo Te Ao. I see you. With Love, Uncle Sam.
[This image: bronze Maori tiki on Elvira cotton lace]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 9.26.10~
Tags: Action Stars, Actors, Aotearoa - New Zealand, Art, artist, Brigitte O'Grady, Fashion, France, Hollywood Entertainment News, Hollywood Maori Kings, Hollywood Today, Leadership, Maori, Maori Filmmaking, Models, New Zealand, Nga Puhi Tonu Nui, Ngati Awa, Paris, Spirit, Te Reo Rangatira, Tino Rangatiratanga, Women, Yasmin Bidois

Auckland Mayor John Banks poses with Maori diva songstress Hinewehi Mohi.
Let’s go Auckland City for Christchurch City today.
Go here to .
Here’s Hinewehi‘s song of her great love for her daughter Hineraukatauri of Oceania for inspiration and motivation to act and love today, in the poetic indigenous Maori language of New Zealand. The song was penned by Hinewehi and sustainable environment advocate, Jaz Coleman (pictured below) of the Prague Symphony Orchestra residency fame, and, creator of two eco-villages in the South Pacific and Chile.

[Image courtesy of C.H campaign blog]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 9.4.10~
Tags: Hineraukatauri, Hinewehi Mohi, Hori = Maori, Jaz Coleman, John Banks, Maori, Music Industry News, New Zealand, Paradise New Zealand, Parenting, Poetry, Te Reo Rangatira, Tino Rangatiratanga

Maori wisdom: “In a very old tree, you may be certain that the sapwood is on the outside, while the heartwood is in the middle… Desolate darkness, desolate brightness. … Care for the land, Care for the people, Go forward.”
Remembering my Hollywood Maori manners today from around the globe. This is what I’m wearing today in West Hollywood, California.
A Maori Koru taonga handcrafted from the Ocean, gifted by Doniece Mackay of Matapouri Bay of the Ngapuhi Maori tribe, who lives in both Rome & Paris, once put around my neck in Wellywood, New Zealand, with the words “You are an international Maori who is meant for the world. This taonga symbolizes our ancestors, who navigated our existence into this world. You, do the same thing”
The taonga rests on a Cotton Force tee shirt, as gifted by Dale Karauria of the Ngati Porou Maori tribe of the East Coast on Dale’s last visit to L.A. Brown cotton stitching on brow with a silver Maori ta moko print overlay.
This post going up for Cliff Curtis, Keisha Castle-Hughes, Temuera Morrison, Karl Urban and Rena Owen as a symbol of tino rangatiratanga, Kiwi ingenuity and in recognition of your abilities to dream big Maori dreams to entertain the world.
To Doniece and Dale–thank you both for being friends in Wellywood, New Zealand long before I set out for Hollywood. I wear you both across my heart. Much love and thanks. Sam xox.
Jewish whakatauki of Isaiah: “Ka hoatu ano e ahau ki a koe nga taonga o te pouri, me nga mea huna o nga wahi ngaro, kia mohio ai koe ko Ihowa ahau, e whakahua atu nei i tou ingoa, ko te Atua o Iharaira…. And I will give thee the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places…”
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 8.28.10~
Tags: Karl Urban, Keisha Castle Hughes, Rena Owen, New Zealand, California, Maori, Paris, Cliff Curtis, America, Italy, Spirit, West Hollywood, Tee Shirts, Tino Rangatiratanga, Think Green, Hori = Maori, Dale The Nati, Maori Filmmaking, Indigenous Thinking, Temuera Morisson, Hollywood Today, Nga Puhi Tonu Nui, Wellywood, Horiwood A Novel Tale, Isaiah, Doniece Mackey

The entrance of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.–the ancient poetic illuminating words of Psalmist King David, Ezra and poetic literary, musical friends.
فَتْحُ كَلاَمِكَ يُنِيرُ الذِّهْنَ، وَيَهِبُ الْبُسَطَاءَ فَهْماً.
פֵּ֖תַח דְּבָרֶ֥יךָ יָאִ֗יר מֵבִ֥ין פְּתָיִֽים׃
你 的 言 語 一 解 開 就 發 出 亮 光 , 使 愚 人 通 達 。
La révélation de tes paroles éclaire, Elle donne de l’intelligence aux simples.
La exposición de tus palabras imparte luz; da entendimiento a los sencillos.
Ko te whakapuakanga o au kupu he homai marama; na reira i homai he mahara ki nga kuware.
[With retro live soulful music by grammy winning poetic-psalmist, Lauryn Hill today for our entertainment]
~Poetry with love today, brought to you by US. Horiwood.Com, California USA. 8.19.10~
Tags: America, Art, Art Bell, Colin McCahon, Ezra, Grammys, Gratitude, King David, Kings of Leon, Lauryn Hill, Leadership, Liberty, Life, Lift Up America, Light, Like A Prayer, Literary, Literary Trend, Live Music Artists, Poetry, Spirit, Te Reo Rangatira, Tino Rangatiratanga, Weird Songs, West Hollywood, Westwood, Wisdom, Wisdoms Buffet

Email to Horiwood: “Hi [Uncle] Sam… It looks like Merata’s tangi is in Te Puke, which isn’t too far away, hopefully I can go. I know Che Fu’s father is going.
“MITA: Merata. Passed away on 31 May, 2010. Beloved daughter of the late Tikitere Takuira Mita and Annie Pikitea McPhee. Beloved sister. Mother of Rafer, Richard, Rhys, Lars (deceased), Awatea, Eruera and Hepi. Nanny to Te Rangimarie, Rapanui, Wahia, Tikitere, Te Rongopai and Wiremu. As one journey ends another begins, may your wairua continue to soar. You will forever remain in our hearts. Tangi at Pukehina Marae, SH2, Te Puke. Burial Oreiwhata, Friday, 4 June at 11am.
[Above image-- , Fashion Cuff Links with "Twinkle [Tap] Toes” Wish Bone/ Divinig Rod [of Chicken Soup for the Soul] Chain, courtesy of Pedro Rubio & Associates. ]
This came in yesterday from my sister, Rachel. It is the celebratory death notice of indgenous Maori filmmaking Queen, Merata Mita that her six children, loving and painfully placed in the New Zealand newspaper for her–so that The World, would know that their mother’s spirit would always soar.
With the soaring metaphor of an Eagle used by her family to define their mum,
Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: America, Canada, Entrepreneurs, Family Vs Fame, Fashion Bites, Hasbaya Apple Pie Remixed, Leadership, Lebanon, Maori, Merata Mita, New Zealand, Poetry, Rachel Riria, S. Kanim, Tino Rangatiratanga, Wings

This one for Merata Mita‘s children. Behold and be. And of course, for ‘mai’ baby, Q’orianka Kilcher–who did exactly what Merata Mita did when filming Patu! –made art, that was right, although it got them in trouble.
Reports the Huffington Post, USA: “WASHINGTON — U.S. Park Police have identified a woman arrested for tying herself to a White House fence as actress Q’orianka (kohr-ee-AHN’-kuh) Kilcher. Authorities say the 20-year-old tied herself to the fence Tuesday and her 41-year-old mother, Saskia, poured a black substance over her.
They told officials they were protesting a visit by the president of Peru. Q’orianka Kilcher’s father is a Peruvian Indian.
Park Police spokesman Sgt. David Schlosser identified the mother, who’s charged with defacing government property, and daughter, who’s charged with disorderly conduct.
Kilcher’s agent Carlyne Grager confirmed the arrests and said the actress is a strong supporter of indigenous populations around the world.
Kilcher played Pocahontas in the 2005 film, “The New World.” She is currently starring in Princess Kaiulani in selected theaters–although the HuffPo, never says that. As I know both Q’orianka and Saskia–both beautiful women–and Q’ori remnds me the most of a young Merata Mita (Sundance film festival judge with Angelica Houston–they were buddies) out of anyone in Hollywood–Q’orianka needs our support today–in making her stand for Peru, when children are dying every day there–because of global warming, corporatization of Peru at life’s expense due to the polution of Peru’s environment etc. [There's plenty of Q'ori news on this blog, if you've never heard of her].

Her name means Phoenix rising from the ashes in Peruvian dialect of her tribe. And if you think this young lady is full on–she’s a babe in training… because here’s the incomparable Merata Mita, whose body is currently lying in state in Te Puke, New Zealand–where Horiwood’s dad descends from. Merata records in her documentary film Bastion Point: Day 507–the arrest of indigenous people and the removal of them from their own land (prime coastal real estate) in the 1980′s. This film is one of my favorite documentaries in the world–because it concerns Ngati Whaatua people–or my mother’s own people and her tribe. This stuff is real–and like Q’orianker–we have survived it. But let’s get back to Q’ori.
Of course, like Q’orianka, Merata was often arrested for her art. So… although I’m all for trying to stay within the law where possible … Mauri Ora Ms Kilcher (life to you!). I See you, honey! Kia Kaha [& tweet on ur release] xox
[Q'orianka is pictured above with Robert Redford --and at top in protest of Peru's polution of the environment by multi-national corporation's industry that goes unchecked. And because like Merata, Q'orianker is Redford's baby too--they are also both my babies too--having collaborated with both on indigenous entertainment--I'm the light version. Lol!]. Today, I’m celebrating–that a new film director, and film producer (in the making) the calibre of Merata Mita has been born. Go girl! :)

~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 6.3.2010~
Tags: America, Hollywood History, Hollywood Today, Human Rights, Humanitarian Angels on Horiwood.Com, Indigenous Thinking, Leadership, Maori, Maori Filmmaking, New Zealand, New Zealand Filmmaking, Ngati Whatua, Peru, Politics, Q'orianker Kilcher, Robert Redford, Think Green, Tino Rangatiratanga, Women, World News
Cute is the Patea Maori Club singing and swinging the Maori poi via Taranaki.
Poi E is one of those classic Kiwi songs that always brings a smile, when you watch it.
The song is like a gift of authentic culture, uniquely created in Aotearoa New Zealand and loved by the people of Hawaii, USA, that keeps on giving.
Enjoy. Let’s go Maoris! :)
Maori – Kiwi Star Power tribute as Hollywood Art Today – Russell Crowe‘s Hollywood star, Walk of Fame, Hollywood California USA. Photographed by Horiwood.Com.
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 3.13.11~
Posted by horiwood on March 14, 2011 in A Different View, Amerika, Aotearoa New Zealand, Aotearoa Television Service - Hollywood, Aroha, Art, artist, California, Cross-Cultural Narratives, Culture, Hawaii, Hollywood Maori Kings, Hollywood Today, Homage, Hori = Maori, Indigenous Thinking, Kaitiakitanga, Kapa Haka, Kiwi Pop, Leadership, Maori, Maori Rose of Sharon, Maori Television Service - Hollywood, Maui, Patea Maori Club, Polynesian, Pop Art, Pop Cultural Commentary, Postcard from Hollywood, Russell Crowe, Spirit, Star System - The Art of American Celebrity, Stars - Hollywood Walk of Fame, steel, Taranaki, Te Reo Rangatira, Tino Rangatiratanga