What Hollywood needs is hug dealers, not more drug dealers–Horiwood 2010
With an over-emphasize on drug cartels ‘invading America’ (‘Washington’s latest enemy construction, yet true too as fact) from the cover of The Washington Post this week, Angelina Jolie draws the hyped up focus on drugs within America and fixation on them, onto herself, taking the focus offshore to where she’s filming in Bosnia.–Clever as she draws out the poison of an unhealthy national drug focus. Her message, ‘drugs are a thing of the past.’
Angelina Jolie was not always the angel, we know her as today.
Hollywood’s face of humanitarian glamor was once put through her paces, at a gruelling pace, just like any other sought after actor in Tinsel Town.
This tabloid cover and the accompanying video footage interview the magazine claims to have seen of Jolie, allegedly wasted on drugs, has America buzzing today. The story line to bring attention to drug useage in America follows, “Jolie’s ex-drug dealer talks of her heroin and cocaine days.” via HuffPo. & UK Sun.
If you live in Hollywood, and walk to the local 7-11 (50 yards from where I live), you’ll get encountered by a sketchy looking character, who fits the description of Jolie‘s alleged nemesis of this tabloid story, allegedly pimping a tale of the actress today. First up, Michael Jackson revealed to the world, that doctors are who A-List people go to for drugs. Not non-doctors. But that’s another story. This is a Hollywood hood story. Let’s go with it. But already it’s a little bit ridiculous.
Drugs are not glamorized here. It’s just like, ‘oh well, that’s what they’re doing at the moment,’ when a drug scandal or story comes up. Only tabloids, (studios who want to make a quick buck with a drug themed film) and media blow drugs up from Hollywood as a scandalous topic. If you’re a local in Hollywood, part of being a Hollywood local, is avoiding them at every turn. Drugs are not glamorous, but are a part of people in Hollywood expresssing and trying to find themselves.
Drugs and drug dependancy offer a false sense of power – they are used by people who really want to say ‘I need more love than what I got in childhood, or am getting in my life today.’ They’re a creative way of saying that. In a way, drug users and dealers are represented as being dishonest thugs – not always the case, they are honest in the sense that using drugs, says they just need love.
Genuine love is needed by everyone, a drug user makes their statement that way. An overdependence on drugs are the stand in, for the real love they need on a much deeper level. Many creative people use drugs to escape a noncreative reality that does not fuel their talent, or to slow themselves down, or as a barrier of availability to people who exploit their talent to create, without considering the person, with the talent in context with their talent. Many creative people are either overworked, or, abused for their magical talents. Drugs is the way these people switch off the world and protest.
What they need is love. Because Hollywood is fueled by creative people who create. Drugs will always be a part of the culture of Hollywood. They are a currency in entertainment circles to wheel and deal. Because in a deficit economy, creative people are the real stars, who can create new products to get America out of debt quicker, people use drugs to try and draw in creative people into their web to create for them. True creativity is not drug dependant, so true creatives, can and will always avoid the trappings of drug culture because to be ensnared by anyone or anything is against the nature of a true creative. Drugs are the sign, that someone is losing or lost their creative, authentic power – in a shuffle or a game of trade offs.
I have learned from personal experience that if you live in Hollywood – drugs are always the sign of someone not coping, or a sign of the weak. They’re always a sign, that someone is angry, numbing their pain from past grievances, wrongs against them. They’re a sign of someone in emotional pain, self-medicating. No judgement towards drug users, but they often need a hug rather than more drugs. Having said that, many genuinely fun people use drugs too here. No slight on anyone in doing a normal story on a real topic that factually happens in Hollywood any day of the week.
Food for thought today worth sharing. Today Jolie, is the fulfillment of her drug dealer’s redeemed potential as a leader and human being of the world. She’s a hug dealer, not an illegal drug dealer – for people in the world who suffer atrocities at the hands of others- who need a hug from a Western leader, for their causes.”
[If you have been drawn to this story, and you feel like you are drug dependant, the AA are believed to run the best recovery programs here in America. West Hollywood's meetings draw people from all over L.A. Check out their website here. Life gets better when love replaces all fear!]
[Image courtesy of Life & Style Magazine]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 10.20.10~
Nicole Richie goes 50′s for Harper’s Bazaar Russia. Ten entertainment newsy bites we’re sharing in this Hollywood minute.
1. Grammys weekend blogging – 2.12.11
2. Humor for Charlie Sheen – Rob Lowe talks extreme sports for sobriety
3. Hone Tuwhare poetry is timely again
4. Enrique Iglesias - a US hit
5. Amber Rose… before the storm
6. IT humor – will Google get all Ari Emanuel on us?
7. Khalil Kibran poetry for Tunisia, Libya, Bahrain
8. Quote of the Day – Prince William talks bonds of community
9. Rugby football humor – Maori haka + Highlanders kilts
10. Tee Shirts – Everyone in Egypt should have one of these
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 2.21.11~
Posted by horiwood on February 22, 2011 in 10 Hot Posts Right Now, Health & Beauty, Health Care, Nicole Richie, Pop Art, Pop Cultural Commentary, Russia, Social Media, Social Networking, Superpowers discourse and direction