We live in an age where power people are obsessed with owning, quantifying/ qualifying WORDS, their USAGE, their CONTEXT, their HISTORY, their ORIGIN, their FREQUENCY and most of all THEIR MEANING. Why do words scare/ fascinate obsessive people so much?–Horiwood 2010′s.
Have you ever heard of the term culturomics? It posits that technology (a tracking tool developed by Google) can track words of scanned books and work out totals and frequencies of the words used and in what context. That’s amazing – because we have to believe the findings are true. I mean–it’s not like we’re going to manually go through 17,000 books for examples and check are we.
This either makes us extremely ‘trusting in Google’s brand integrity’ or extremely vulnerable and naive to being manipulated by Google as a ‘cultural engineer’ shaping our perceptions of culture past, in books.
Wikileaks taught us perhaps, that we can’t really trust people who manipulate data or information. We just can’t any longer–with no offense to the good people at Google, of course. In general we just live in an age–where data is being manipulated for other means than what we initially think. The global economic crises also taught us this outside of words, regarding numbers, as well.
So which one are we? Gullible or trusting in whatever Google’s new tool claims are ‘definitive’ findings? As always –perhaps ride the middle line, and believe half of what ‘culturomics’ findings tell us. Otherwise it’s a new invented ‘literary religion based on key findings’ with no checks and balances, that cannot be debated either, because it has the appearance of being ‘scientific.’ Culturomics is either going to be really good or really darn scary–there’s no middle ground to it, as it’s completely unaccountable to other technology counter-scanning and collating its findings at this point. Or in other words, it’s not scientific, yet its outcomes posited are claiming to be pure quantitative science. A full press release by Google follows below our top ten results today about it–positioned as a news story.
Hollywood entertainment and celebritiy news posts voted hot today worldwide. Here’s our top ten. Thanks beautiful people. Enjoy!
1. Angelina Jolie humor via E-Bay limited edition is cute
2. Johnny Depp and Angelina Jolie lead Golden Globe nominations
3. A Kardashian family Christmas card 2010
4. 270 Films of 2010 montaged into one concise trailer–that saved time!
5. 50 Top Voted Stars of 2010… a labor of love in progress
6. Scarlett Johansson‘s strawberry breakup with beauty
7. Taylor Lautner - Men’s Fitness
8. Bollywood‘s top ten stars of 2009
9. Christmas Cheer via New Zealand is funny
10. Natalie Portman dreams of taking time off from work
Bonus Post: Jamiroquai for Nobel Peace Prize Concert 2010
Bonus Post: US Media ask naively about ‘lost trust’ over Wikileaks
Bonus Post: Flash Mob Opera at Reading Terminal
Bonus Post: 10 Things on Mark Zuckerberg being named Time‘s no.1 -2010
Bonus Post: Trends on Bing.Com 2010
Bonus Post: Blue Gangsta – New Michael Jackson Music
Bonus Post: Poetry: Republic of Fiji by David Eggleton
Bonus Post: Alexander Rybak for Barack Obama - 1 year ago
Gosh doing the bonus posts is far more rewarding than putting one’s hopes in the Lotto power ball. Lol!
Jane Seo on Culturomics for The Harvard Crimson writes this Press Release:
“A team of Harvard researchers has created a new tool that analyzes language patterns in published books to quantify cultural and historical trends from 1800 to 2000.
The innovative research tool made its debut yesterday in an article titled “Quantitative Analysis of Culture Using Millions of Digitized Books,” which was published online in the journal Science and launched as a feature on Google.
[The Guardian UK posits Google's word-counting tool fancies Sigmund Freud of many other fine philosophers]
Dubbed “culturomics,” the tool enables the public to use the Google Books database as a “genome of culture,” according to Adrian Veres ’12, one of the article’s authors.
[Movie still image via Harry Potter & The Half Blood Prince courtesy of This Website]
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“At the coral reef, the beach tide was low like the flat Injun prairie plains of Boise, Idaho.”–Horiwood, a novel.
“You don’t have to be a fantastic hero to do certain things – to compete. You can be just an ordinary chap, sufficiently motivated. It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.”–Sir Edmund Hilary‘s humility as wisdom in Hollywood.
What’s up with this picture? It’s like when the cast of Mad Men went for berry martinis at The Abbey with the Hollywood Maori Harry Potter blogger guy, on the way to the Arclight theater to see a film with hobbits in it in 3D. That’s too many alluvial-intellectual levels of a horticulturalists nation’s, pop cultural quircke.
Anyways, in more simpler news. Ten Hollywood entertainment news posts, you’re sharing as culture right here on Horiwood.Com via social media are:
1. Kiwi Humor – A vintage Hollywood movie postcard for Sir Peter Jackson
2. The physics of super heroes - when good scientists become movie geek experts too
3. Benjamin Franklin & Te Kooti Arikirangi Te Turuki quotes
4. Sir Ian McKellan will reprise the grey power fierce, for The Hobbit in 3D
5. Wisdom from the book In The Presence of a Gorilla
6. Yale Women’s Rugby Team & Rugby World Cup excursions 2011
7. Nesian Mystik music
8. Harry Potter‘s Daniel Radcliffe for Trevor Project teenagers
9. Maori Hollywood actors, the Courage to Love Novel, catching up with 3D star Cliff Curtis
10. Nicole Kidman joins Jon Hamm for presenting duties at the Screen Actors Guild Awards 2011
Bonus Post: Starbucks for Africa – Rox in a Box lyrics with The Decemberists good folks band
Other Hollywood news websites, blogs and media outlets who sometimes share Harry Potter, Twilight Saga, The Hobbit news too are: E!: Hollywood News; Hollywood Reporter; Access Hollywood; Hollywood.Com; ET Online; Deadline.Com; Celebrity Gossip; Young Hollywood.; HuffPo.
[Photo of Elijah Wood courtesy of Elly's Elijah Wood Site. Pic of double taiaha Maori, martial arts, future action movies combat weaponry, courtesy of Aotearoa New Zealand]
~@Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 1.27.11~
Posted by horiwood on January 28, 2011 in 10 Hot Posts Right Now, 3D, A Different View, Action Stars, Africa, America, Aotearoa New Zealand, Art, artist, Boise, Christina Hendricks, Cliff Curtis, Commonwealth, Cross-Cultural Narratives, Culture, Daniel Radcliffe, Elijah Wood, Film Franchises, hobbits, Hollywood Today, Hori = Maori, horticulture, humility, Humor, Idaho, Indigenous Thinking, Industry Town News, Kaitiaki - The Action Movie Film Franchise, Mad Men, Mountain Climbing, Movie Posters, Nesian Mystik, Novels, Pop Art, Pop Cultural Commentary, Quircke Productions, Rugby, Screen Actors Guild Awards, Sir Edmund Hillary, Sir Ian McKellen, Sir Peter Jackson, Sir Richard Taylor, Social Media, Social Networking, Sports, Sports Horiwood, Swifty Lazaar, Tee Shirts, Teenagers, Think Green, UK, Wisdom, Wisdoms Buffet, Yale