During her speech in New Delhi India, Alaskan Sarah Palin said that “America and India share many things similar, including religious tolerance, democratic traditions, a common struggle for freedom from the British empire, a commitment to “see terrorism defeated” and a concern over the rise of China.
“It is the largest democracies, not the world’s largest autocracy, [who] will lead the next century. I want peace on earth. That peacefulness and that prosperity comes with more freedoms,” Palin said.”
That report was from Daily India.
I think ‘Freedom’ is a very relative word. Discipline is a good word. That does not necessarily constitute certain definitions of ‘freedom.’ It’s about intelligent collaborative communities working together and sharing more, not being little piggies. I don’t think the US blaming the UK is mature. Getting out of debt is the friend of nations with a deficit. America’s biggest enemy at present, not the UK. Also when a nation borrows willingly from China, don’t bite the hand you borrowed from so hastily… blaming China as an enemy too, when you spent money that you owe China. If you buy Chinese products and consume them in a consumer nation, that’s the way you’re choosing your freedoms, don’t blame a supplier in a capitalistic system that the US is, for your choice of consumer purchases. Otherwise shut up and buy American made products. Somehow in all this, Sarah means well for the US. Maybe.
She just makes you want to ask, so where is Russia exactly again from Alaska? All over again, the way she’s being reported on many times.
One things for sure. This woman is here to stay for quite a while. Ironically Palin was invited to participate in a conference in India that according to the conference website, the theme of the 10th annual conference explores “The Changing Balance of Power” by bringing together the “best minds in politics, finance and business, military, technology, academia and the arts.“
Add to that, the best spectacle glasses from Lenscrafters. What’s up with that conferences selection panel? I mean… okay?!
[Photo of Sarah Palin via Squatlo Rant blog]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 3.19.11~

At the time of the writing in the USA, Rebecca Black, has a viral teen music hit wowing the USA.
Sarah Palin has a Rebecca up her sleeve too. The Lost Angeles Times devotes a front page segment to Rebecca Mansour, 36, the slight wee lassie (who sports spectacles too) whose Sarah Palin’s speechwriter and who helps keep Palin’s 2.7 million Facebook fans amused as well as Palin’s 428,000 twitter followers informed too.
Mansour is Palin’s Adam Frankel, a job that never stops for a high profile leader in an age of social media.
Highlights of Mansour’s introduction penned by Robin Abcarian are: “She is a political neophyte, a Republican daughter of Democrat-friendly Detroit, a onetime film student who lives in Hollywood, and a longtime fundraiser for Harvard University, an institution known for churning out the very “elites” so often derided by Palin.”
She has a vast vocabulary.
“The erudite Mansour, who calls herself a member of “the great unwashed,” doesn’t mind sounding elite; her vocabulary includes real words like “hebetudinous” (mentally lethargic) and made-up ones like “anti-dentite” (a dentist hater, from “Seinfeld”). She loves Victorian poetry, William Faulkner andDavid Lean films. She is especially fond of “Why I Am a Liberal,” Robert Browning‘s 1886 sonnet on liberty. ”
She describes her bosses critics as being ”puppy-kicking chain smokers” and “anti-dentite porn producers,” “barmy fruitloops” and “worthless mushheads.”
Read the rest of this entry »
1 Fact: 1 billion people do not have clean drinking water. Where: Africa and India are most affected.
The threat: More people are lost in the world through this situation than war.
The solution: We can make a difference through UNICEF Tap Project. If you want to, please do.
True fact 2: For as little as $10, one person can have clean drinking water for a lifetime.
That’s like a beer at a Hollywood club with the tip. Amazing aye! Act. Bump this post on too. Let’s flow. :)

~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 12.25.10~
Tags: C F Goldie, California, Cam Gigandet, Cameron Diaz, Cameron Shepherd, Camila Alves, Camilla Belle, Canada, Cancer Awareness, Candella, Cannes, Carey Hart, Caribbean, Carlos Slim Helu, Carmen Electra, Carrie Prejean, Carrie Underwood, Cars, Casey Aldridge, Cash Warren, Cassie, Casting, Catalina Island, Catherine C Ammann, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Celebrity Trivia, Celine Dion, Censorship, Chace Crawford, Chaka Khan, Chanel Iman, Channing Tatum, , Charlie Sheen, Charlie Wilson, Charlize Theron, Chaske Spencer, Chaz Bono, Chelsea Clinton, Chelsea Handler, Cher, Cheryl Cole, Chicago, China, Chinawood, Chloe Sevigny, Chris Brown, Chris Martin, Chris Matthews, Chris Pine, Christchurch, Christian Audigier, Christian Bale, Christianity, Christina Applegate, Christina Arguilera, Christina Hendricks, Christina Milian, Christoph Waltz, Christopher Nolan, Chuy, Ciara, Cindy Crawford, Cindy McCain, Cinematography, Civil Rights, Claudia Schiffer, Cliff Curtis, Clint Eastwood, Coco, Coco Chanel, Coffee, Coldplay, Colin Farrell, College Football, Colorado, Columbine, Comedians, Commonwealth, Community, Compassion, Conan O'Brien, Corey Feldman, Cornflakes, Costa Rica, Cougar Treats, Country Music, Courage To Love, Courtney Cox, Couture, Craig Ferguson, Cricket, Cristiano Ronaldo, Croatia, Cross-Cultural Narratives, Cuisine, Cultural Imperialism, Culture, Cy Waits, Sacha Baron Cohen, Sade, Sailing, Salma Hayak, salman khan, Salvador Dali, Sam Cooke, Sam Cruickshank, Sam Mendes, Sam Worthington, Sam Wyly, Samantha Ronson, Samoa, San Diego, Sandra Bullock, Santa Monica, Sara Bareilles, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sarah Palin, Sasha Baron Cohen, Sasha Obama, Saudi Arabia, Scandals, Scarlett Johansson, Science, Scotland, Scott Bryan, Scott Disick, Seal, Sean Diddy Combs, Sean Penn, Sean Preston, Selena Gomez, Serena Williams, Sex & The City, shahid kapur, shahrukh khan, Shakira, Shanghai, Shania Twain, Shannen Doherty, Shaquille O'Neal, Sharon Stone, Sherri Shepherd, Sheryl Crow, Sheryl Crowe, Shiloh Jolie-Pitt, Shirley Temple, Shoes, Sia, Sienna Miller, Silverlake, Simon Baker, Simon Cowell, Singapore, Sir Apirana Ngata, Sir Edmund Hillary, Sir Howard Morrison, Sir Paul McCartney, Slavery, Slovenia, Smashproof, Smile Club, Smokey Robinson, Smurfs, SNL, Snooki, Snoop Dog, Soccer, Social Networking, Sojourner Truth, Solange Knowles, Song Lyrics, Sonny Bill Williams, Sophia Thomalla, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sparrow Madden, Spencer Pratt, Spike Lee, Spirit, Split Enz, Splitsville, Sports, Sports Horiwood, St Patricks Day, Stanley Kubrick, Star System - The Art of American Celebrity, Star Trek, Star Wars, Stefani Germanotta, Stellar, Stem Cell Research, Stephanie Pratt, Stephen Donald, Stephen Moyer, Stephenie Meyer, Steve McQueen, Steven Colbert, Steven Spielberg, Stevie Wonder, Sting, Stuart Townsend, Sudan, Summit Entertainment, Sundance Film Festival, Sunday Rose, Sunglasses, Sunny Oglesby, Super heroes, Suri Cruise, Susan Boyle, Susan Kanim, Susan Sarandon, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Swizz Beatz, Sydney, Sylvester Stallone, Water, Young Hollywood, Young Royals
“WikiLeaks announced that it obtained 400,000 pages of indecipherable chatter, which later turned out to be Sarah Palin‘s Twitter feed. More here.”–Andy Borowitz.
The Los Angeles Times says Andy Borowitz has “one of the funniest Twitter feeds around.” Follow Andy on Twitter here.
Here’s an example of Andy Borowitz humor on Homeland Security’s recent insistence and obsession with the issue of Air Port Pat Downs–that Borowitz thinks should be assigned to celebrity news and gossip agency, reality TV show–TMZ.
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – Amid growing public outrage over the conduct of airport security in the U.S., the Department of Homeland Security today transferred all responsibility for screening passengers from the TSA to TMZ, the popular celebrity gossip website.
In announcing the change, Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano said, “We believe that TMZ can do the same job that TSA did, but they’ll be less invasive and more respectful.”
Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Andy Borowitz, Facebook, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Twitter
This week Sarah Palin’s Alaska TV show, got a whopping 17% rise in weekly TV ratings.
3.5 million people are tuning in to see Palin’s version of Alaska on TLC each week.
The reality TV star gets paid $1 million an episode to present the show. That’s not bad money for a rather late discovered middle aged model from Alaska–needless to say this news is really upsetting Hollywood. The episode was all about fishing. ‘Alaska’ Week 3: Salmon Get Caught Up In Another Palin Fish Tale. Perhaps the reason why Angelina Jolie went to an Aquarium in Paris for TWO days in a row to counteract fish imagery–and move the tide Jolie’s way.
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 12.1.10~
Tags: Alaska, Reality TV Stars, Sarah Palin, Trig Palin

Kate Middleton and Mike The Situation Sorrentino make the cut of Barbara Walters ten most fascinating people of 2010. Here’s whose on Barb’s list, in her 18th and (she says) final year of delivering the hit show via ABC Network loved and watched by millions worldwide:
Justin Bieber
The Cast of Jersey Shore
Jennifer Lopez (American Idol TV Show judge)
Sarah Palin
Sandra Bullock
NBA star LeBron James
Betty White
Many websites have speculated who the last two guests could be today here in the US. Flavor Pill lists their own top ten, that I can’t relate to at all, except their first choice. The Week.Com speculates on who Barb’s two mystery guests should be. Of their choices, they select: Lady Gaga -quoting Jen Chaney at The Washington Post (why? she was last years news), An Obama citing Margaret Lyons pick at Entertainment Weekly (couldn’t hurt), Lindsay Lohan -quoting Bridget Daly atHollyscoop (stranger things have happened), Lt. Dan Choi relaying Maureen O’Connor at Gawker‘s pick this year (not a bad choice either).
Perhaps Tiger Woods, Kim Kardashian (single, childless and still on top at 30), Liu Xiaobo‘s wife, or Warren Buffet, The Gates & The Team at Giving Pledge.
If looking at my own blog–Jessica Simpson & Eric Johnson rate high this year. Or, why not Oprah and Larry King both wrapping shows this year like Barbara is–or for a laugh why not Oprah interviewing Barbara Walters as no. 10. That would be groovy. Eminem or other music artists–there’s not one announced yet. Or a soldier who recovered from war’s atrocities? Or a scientist perhaps. The actors of Harry Potter continue to fascinate too. They also could be a worthy choice.
Who can believe little Snooki has made Barbara Walter’s Ten Most Fascinating People show in just over a year of being in show biz? Go Snooki go!
Who do you think the final two could be?
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 11.30.10~
Tags: Barbara Walters, basketball, Betty White, Jennifer Lopez, Jersey Shore, Justin Bieber, Kate Middleton, Kim Kardashian, LeBron James, Mike The Situation Sorrentino, Reality TV Stars, Sandra Bullock, Sarah Palin, Snooki Polizzi, Sports, Sports Horiwood, Sports Psychology, TIger Woods

Alright –this is the sort of stuff that gets beauty Queens blown up, not to mention makes America and Mexico look kinda dumb.
On the other hand, seeing the humor in all situations (including a potentially heavy situation) also takes the sting out of it. That’s a key part of freedom too.
Here’s two beauty Queens of America attempting politics and geography this weekend.
The first is former Miss Universe Alicia Machado who Agencia Mexico, reports wrote the following on :
“Tonight I want you to join me in a prayer, about the attacks happening between the Chinas, so that the situation doesn’t worsen.”
Alrighty then now that she’s on the map and tabloid radars of 1.3 billion Chinese via Mexico, moving on to a so called politician of America, Sarah Palin.
Palin was featured last night on MSNBC News, quoted while yapping on Glen Beck’s radio show and sharing her foreign affairs knowledge outside of Alaska’s esteemed borders, saying as reported too by Hyper Vocal:
“This speaks to a bigger picture here that certainly scares me in terms of our national security policy. But obviously we’ve gotta stand with our North Korean allies.”
Alright– although she got it totally wrong when America sides with South Korea at all times at this minute, at least Sarah sided with the Korea that actually has the nuclear bomb within their borders.
In a weird, moose-hunting, cold climated, unschooled, coquettish bumpkin kinda way?, Palin could be viewed as a little bit smart. Isn’t so much of politics about doing just what she did? So perhaps Palin was only half as dumb as she sometimes can be, with that answer.
Nobody is perfect and Palin does have a $1 million an episode reality TV series appearance fee being juggled currently with a no.1 best selling book, so she must not be totally stupid. All I can say is: thank goodness for Hilary Clinton as US Secretary of State! And apologies to all Koreans – North & South for the varietals of dinosaurs named Ignoramus that walk among us. Hopefully, ignoramus is a title that’s becoming “less US” day by day. I write all this making a note to myself to buy a map of the world tomorrow and learn me something also. :)

[Image via Famous Wallpapers]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood california USA. 11.26.10~
Tags: Alaska, Alicia Machado, China, Geography, Mexico, North Korea, Politics, Sarah Palin, South Korea, World News, World Peace

She’s like Mel Gibson. People love her and hate her. Two views on the rather racist Sarah Palin. Her book cover and Barbara Bush‘s thoughts on her (again).
Hi Team. Here’s your top ten most voted celebrity and entertainment news posts on Horiwood.Com here in Hollywood for Monday 22nd November 2010. Special thanks to friends at this time, for making blogging in Hollywood enjoyable and possible. Love you all worldwide. In tough times, smile more, give more, be more real. Share more. Love more. Here’s our top ten.
1. Polynesian-Kiwi kool – Prestige Dance Group win at World Supremacy Battlegrounds
2. Only human: Robotic technology in New Zealand needs development funding
3. Eli Broad & Peter Adamson are California hot for Oprah Winfrey
4. Matthew McConaughey‘s cowboy hat in New Orleans
5. Artist: Miss Tessa - Nov pics – via Christchurch – are smoldering hot, naturally
6. Ian Somerhandler & Nina Dobrev love starring in a vampire show
7. Kate Middleton
8. Pics: Angelina Jolie & children
9. Johnny Depp as a Forbes pin up boy 2010
10. Levi Johnston ‘s Playgirl cover mock up
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 11.22.10~
Tags: Alaska, America, Authors, Barbara Bush, Books, Entertainment News, George Bush Sr., Hollywood Entertainment News, Horiwood Top 10, Larry King, Miss Tessa, Prestige Dance Group, Sarah Palin
Lol! Watch Barbara Bush talking to Larry King as she sheds light on her views of Sarah Palin as a politician.
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 11.20.10~
Tags: Barbara Bush, Humor, Politics, Sarah Palin

In leaked excerpts from Sarah Palin‘s new book, on page 26 she writes:
“Certainly his [Barak Obama's] wife [Michelle Obama] expressed this view when she said during the 2008 campaign that she had never felt proud of her country until her husband started winning elections.
“In retrospect, I guess this shouldn’t surprise us, since both of them spent almost two decades in the pews of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright‘s church listening to his rants against America and white people.”
Um, does Sarah Palin give Native Alaska Indians and all Americans from Alaska a bad name or what? Let alone all Americans.
That’s so not cool. And this coming from a guy who praised her debut book for making Alaska sounding like such a cool place to visit. It’s a shame race and religion? are coloring an Obama smear campaign, and are a part of Palin’s armory now for the GOP’s causes.
The truth is, if you live in America, it’s such a diverse country. So rich and full of diverse cultures. Palin’s construct of anti-black doesn’t exist in reality. It’s archaic, so you can’t even take it seriously, unless you’ve never been outside GOP white states of America your whole life, of whom her book is written for to make a quick buck, while she claims she wants to be a future President of the US.
On the other hand, heroes are created against villains. So in a sick way, she’s acting as Michelle Obama’s star maker here too, while being a vampire and taking some blood for her troubles, to hawk a book. If black people don’t feature in her faith or flag or her family’s friends in good regard, than what nation does this women live in exactly. Not the one the rest of us do, that’s for sure.
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 11.19.10~
Tags: Diversity, ObamaDrama, racism, Sarah Palin, Tolerance

Reuniting with Senator John McCain to help save his Arizona bid, Sarah Palin–upcoming reality TV star of America (yes, everything is about show biz here) has a message for McCain’s electorate. That message is: “We’re the party of Hell No!”
Better cue some Ke$ha music about now, to go with that message for “Budweiser Senator” McCain and his next term for Arizona. lol!
How about… “We’re the party of hell freezes over when the chips are down… and I can see it from my house.” That’s the tune, Palin should be singing for a giggle. I love her roguish sense of humor. She’s irrespressible. Her reality TV show about Alaska is going to be a big hit. And if you watch it while drinking Bud… you’ll probably find that you’re either an Alaskan lover and/ or a wannabe-winning Republican.
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 3.26.2010~
Tags: Humor, John McCain, Politics, Sarah Palin

Variety expects Discovery Network to announce that they have picked up the Sarah Palin headlining Alasaka TV series for a million dollars per episode.
Although many entertainment websites state that Palin is getting a million an episode, this is not true. Having made a TV series before, 80% of any commissioning TV budget always goes on production. And a series that is shot in the field (not in a studio) is always more expensive for crew costs to shoot. Palin will be lucky to make a pinto bean for her wild moose and reindeer Sunday crockpot from each episode in appearance fees.
So, this is basicly a way for Palin to stay in the spotlight to keep her Palin branding hot, while she does something sweet to promote Alaska.
Because let’s face it, apart from Palin’s naturally good looks, Alaska itself as an American destination in the great outdoors is what once made Palin (and also her book) so interesting. Good for her! And go Alaska. This will be a good series. What I liked about Palin’s book, was that Alaska and its authentic culture, starred all throughout.
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 3.23.2010~
Tags: Alaska, Marketing & Branding, Sarah Palin, TV development

Now that she’s a new commentator for Fox Network, Sarah Palin puts three generations of the Palin family to work, herself included.
The stunt for this round of publicity? Pro-Life. But it has to be said, that those Palin kids do look really happy.
Must have something to do with the Alaskan outdoors lifestyle. Lots of space to run around in.
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 1.13.2010~
Tags: Bristol Palin, Celeb Kids, Family Vs Fame, Sarah Palin

Alaska’s two break out stars of the year, Sarah Palin and Levi Johnston help us define what is important to Alaska, America today. Both of these crazy kids have had quite a year being both frenemies and bound together by kin. Together they provide the perfect contradictory dichotomy of what American life means. High moralled principles and yet low moralled light-hearted fun when it comes to entertainment.
They are like the sign of the American cross, and where their different axis intersects American culture today in everyone of us who live here. This tension makes them fascinating and relatable to all Americans. They have a #1 ‘family’ show to rock out with. Pic by Levi Johnston as he puts the word ‘fun’ back into dysFUNctional family.
‘Noble American words’ are provided by Sarah Palin‘s beautifully written new book, Going Rogue: An American Life: chapter 1:
“… Inching through rivers of people with Trig, our four-month-old son, cradled in my arms, I zigzagged from booth to booth, from driftwood art to honeybee keeping to home-brewed salmon-berry wine. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Alaska, America, Levi Johnston, Sarah Palin

Tina Fey continues to dine out on Sarah Palin. Why? If Fey is such a talented writer/ producer/ actress, why doesn’t she create a new character of her own to portray, rather than continuing to do b*tchy imitations of Sarah Palin. It makes Fey look a little less creative than all the awards she’s won this past year indicate she is.
This story is quite funny about Fey though. Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Sarah Palin, Tina Fey

Going Rougue: An American Life by former Alaskan Governor, Sarah Palin is a big hit.
Sarah Palin has sold 300,000 copies of Going Rouge in its first day out, says the Associated Press. Former President Bill Clinton‘s My Life sold 400,000 copies the day it was released in 2004, and Hillary Rodham Clinton‘s Living History moved 200,000 copies one year earlier.
A good effort from Sarah Palin and her ghost writer. The book paints a wonderful portrait of Alaskan life, with a tight knit community feel to its contents, starring Palin as the face of Alaska. A very well written book.

~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 11.22.09~
Tags: Sarah Palin

Congratulations to Sarah Palin who has landed Oprah her best ratings in 2 years. 8.7 million people, tuned in to watch the big O interview SP.
Nice work ladies. To read an excerpt of Sarah Palin’s new book Going Rogue go here to ABC Books. It’s very pretty in the way it is written. Paints an amazing feeling of the Alaskan community. I don’t like or dislike Sarah Palin. But, I think I do want to read her book.
~Horiwood.Com 11.18.09~
Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Alaska, Oprah Winfrey, Sarah Palin

The Daily News has Sarah Palin‘s appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show as their cover, and Live Chat, want to cover the moment.
Shallow Nation have the full interview clip if you must watch. Anyone who has a heart, cannot help but feel empathy for Palin of sorts. One minute she was Alaska’s governor, the next minute she got the call up to be an amusing red herring to help distract America from George W. Bush’s boo boo’s as President. A mix of poltical ambition, a sense of a call of duty for country and naievity led Sarah Palin to accept for the GOP.
Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Oprah Winfrey, Sarah Palin

After Levi Johnston spilled the beans to The Early Show and said that Sarah Palin had called her son Trig, with down syndrome disease “retarded,” Palin’s reply was:
“Trig is our ‘blessed little angel’ who knows it and is lovingly called that every day of his life.”
Read the rest of this entry »
Tags: Family Vs Fame, Levi Johnston, Sarah Palin

Good on Sarah Palin for negotiating a good book deal with publishing house Harper Collins. Finally some good news for her!–
Perhaps Tina Fey could write it for her. Tina ‘owes’ Sarah bigtime this year. :)
Tags: Sarah Palin