Poor Christina Arguilera. Her , last night (Sunday) have every D-Listed celebrity finding a voice to criticize her. Christina’s sorta kind like that, sharing her two minutes of fame with them this week in tabloid news.
Here’s what Joan Rivers had to say via Pop Eater: ”How stupid can you get? Christina must have been thinking about food, that’s why she forgot the words. O say can you see … french fries.” Joan snapped referring to Arguilera’s fluctuating body weight where Arguilera can go from a skinny “Britney body” to operatic diva sized bodaciousness in just two months.
“She’s gotten so big,” Joan quips, ”She looks like she could eat Lady Gaga. Great way to get rid of competition.”
Arguilera herself says: “I got so caught up in the moment of the song that I lost my place. I can only hope that everyone could feel my love for this country and that the true spirit of its anthem still came through.”
Joan Rivers appeared during the Super Bowl as Go Daddy’s new TVC girl to hawk website domain name sales and domain hosting site sales. Said Joan, ”They were looking for someone stupid to be their new spokesperson,” she tells me. “I’m now Joan.co. It couldn’t be any easier.”
Twitter could not have paid Christina Arguilera $1 million for better publicity, due to her genuine lyrics flub! I mean… really!
[Pics via P.E]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 2.7.11~