How romantic. In turning up for a photo call with the British Media – Prince William Windsor and his bride to be Kate Middleton both looked a picture of love and all things romantic pertaining to a lifelong commitment to each other and inspiring growth and well being for a Commonwealth Empire.
Their engagement ring belonged to Princess Dianna of Wales and of the ring appearing on Kate’s finger as her engagement ring, Prince William had this to say:
“It is very special to me. It was my way to make sure my mother did not miss out on today and the excitement that we are going to spend the rest of our lives together.”
What a sweet thing to say and do. I don’t thing anyone in celebrity land can trump that. This couple are the super romantics of their generation. Needless to say, the woman that last wore this ring had one of the greatest hearts of compassion of any humanitarian of the modern world. Perhaps Kate as the wearer of this ring, will do the same in the world. But no pressure! :)
Image below of Prince William on his debut public presentation to the world, when his mother chose Waitangi of the Bay of Islands, Northland, New Zealand to present this crown Prince to the world’s eyes.
She was a great woman who chose for her son’s presentation to be surrounded with songs, color and beauty of the Ngapuhi, Ngati Hine, Te Rarawa, Te Aupouri maori tribes of New Zealand. On his presentation day to the world’s gaze, he was surrounded by the sounds of Te Reo Rangatira (or, the language of Chiefs). Below is a song, that was sung on this day, called Te Whare e Tu Nei – written by songwriter of Matauri Bay, Katerina Mataira - whose name ironically means Katherine in English. Her song’s title when translated means, This House That Stands. Diana had impeccable taste that her son seems to have inherited in his choice of a wife and a star maker of leaders of a modern world faced with new challenges, requiring a gift of wisdom to be creative towards sustainability in the world’s good future.
It’s nice to see William honor his mother by bringing her engagement ring back into play in the eyes of the world, as a homage to a woman who never saw this Kiwi-presented future King’s engagement day. It’s like full circle of their bond reclaimed in honoring Diana’s memory and his new love with Kate.

Top Image courtesy of Bauer Griffin Online. Image of Princess Diana wearing the ring as a teenager, courtesy of BER website. Image of Prince Charles, Princess Diana and baby Prince William Windsor at Waitangi, Te Tai Tokerau, Aotearoa/ New Zealand courtesy of New Zealand History.Net. A wooden buzzy bee Kiwi-made child’s toy was the first paparazzi photographed item, Prince William ever owned to amuse audiences worldwide. The toy that is made of wood is iconic to New Zealand. This one as featured on the cover of North & South magazine, courtesy of Buzzy Bee.Co.NZ .
Prince William is like every Kiwi’s little brother in a sense of those who watched his parents marry in 1981. Myself, being just one of many, now blogging about this momentus day in his life from California. Surreal stuff. To visit Waitangi for yourself – a right of passage for all people in the U.K who have followed the royals for years, go here to discover more on how to do that. It’s the region where I grew up.

~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 11.16.10. Song lyrics of Te Whare follow in Te Reo Rangatira~ Read the rest of this entry »
“There’s a public infatuation (with royal weddings) that you wouldn’t believe,” French commentator Stephane Bern says, who has covered dozens of royal nuptials. “There is a real public desire for these sorts of events, a willingness to beat the gloomy times.”
So true!
[Image of Will and Kate via Zimbio. Ben Millepied and Natalie Portman pic via Pop On The Pop]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 1.1.11~
Posted by horiwood on January 1, 2011 in Benjamin Millepied, Engagements, Entertainment Celebrity News, Entertainment Distribution, Entertainment News, Hollywood Entertainment News, Kate Middleton, Love, Marriage, Natalie Portman, Pop Cultural Commentary, Prince William, Romance, Young Hollywood, Young Royals