At the moment in America we have a pop star (Lady Gaga) who starred in a music video with America’s then #1 Presidential golden girl of pop culture (Beyonce)… what was it called again? Oh… Telephone. The video droned on for at least ten minutes, with much of that featuring Stefani Germanotta in a prison cell. Odd the duration of the video because Gaga is not the most prettiest of pop stars to gaze upon, but she still thought we should look at her for ten minutes in a music video, so whatever!
Since then, all things Gaga, have become what young celebrities are trying to emulate, celebrate, and do different aspects of Gaga’s star template of U.S pop culture. When it comes to the jail theme of American celebrity, Lindsay Lohan is not doing this in halves. She’s double dipping.
Yes. TMZ’s live feed of Lohan’s return to court for testing positive for coke (not Coca Cola) is the big event in Hollywood news circles today. Everyone under 30 is not working in their office jo0bs, they were watching Lohan’s court case. She’s back in jail for round number II and here’s her latest mug shot. (As if we needed another!).
Our favorite little Hollywood criminal is doing okay, ironically, from her stints in jail. Jail for Lohan is like, well… a savings plan… because their family members live off a star’s earnings, and it’s always good to have a break from family, who can forget, who earns what.
Lohan exits jail to land magazine covers and lucrative TV interviews that are repaying her debts. Then, she gets to return to jail to have a break from her family, which of course, reduces spend too. Meanwhile her sister Ali Lohan picks up the slack, (demand?) for a Lohan picture, by taking on the lesser contracts Lohan can’t do, because – we’ll Lindsay is big fry and also – should could be in jail and unavailable. Here’s Ali modeling for 6126. In a crazy way, this is the trailer trash version of what the Knowles sisters do in fashion and entertainment, so it’s actually a smart strategy. Not that I condone the means. Of course. But it is worth pointing that out today.
And it is a little sad, when jail is the safest place for anyone, which at times is Lindsay Lohan’s remarkable story for a young lady Los Angeles loves anyway. She is Young Hollywood’s story. Perhaps Lindsay needs to have a chat, to ex-footballer and Emmy winner, Miles McPherson - that couldn’t do her any harm.

[Images courtesy of Wenn.Com and Splash]
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 9.24.10~