Okay, there’s a lot of interest about “the holy spear” or the “spear of destiny” today. The spear is the one that may have been used to “pierce the side of Jesus,” when he was crucified 2011 years ago.
‘New Philadelphia’s Coffee Boiling Pot’ also tries to make sense of this historic fact.
My view on what the significance of this spear could mean is that hundreds of years before Jesus was pierced on the cross, the prophet Isaiah prophesied that this would occur. When it did occur the word of the prophesy was fulfilled and Jesus (raised in Scripture on the words of the Prophets as a child) knew that this part of the prophesy had been fulfilled when it happened to him.
He was in the will of His destiny in that moment.
Today though, we more focus on the fact that “The word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword.” It can see into every hidden thing shedding light on things known and the things that are to be made known.
Human nature doesn’t change much. Although technology does.
As a sword (that’s spiritual) the Word of God, can discern the times and cut in two, those things that are False Evidence Appearing as Reality designed to cause or incite fear and not peace. The word of God is like a sword, wielded by those who know how to us it and apply it where some absolutes and truth is needed to restore a sense of fairness on any given matter or issue.
Wisdom is the exact same thing. It too is like a sword, that preserves life and lives.
What do you think of the ‘holy spear’ or ‘spear of destiny?’ or the world’s global fascination with a relic, in this moment?
A religious relic is only useful if it enhances an understanding (like a set prop drawn from history’s archives) of a wider spiritual matter that is of benefit to the world. Within the pages of the world’s best selling book, is found the two-edged reality of a ‘sword’ that can both cut and heal. Reading it, still fascinates me today.
[Relic above - Hollywood Boulevard].
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Aotearoa New Zealand, Polynesia Asia-Pacific.