“Man is not going to change, and the sea is going to be dead”-dialogue, documentary, End of The Line.
“Greed” is a word that many nations are protesting about today. When I think about greed, I think about blue fin tuna’s precarious plight in the world. Mitsubishi of Taiwan are blamed for catching 60% of the world’s blue fin tuna species of fish. Their greed is unstoppable. They catch the fish and freeze their stocks on ice. The fish that have been overfished by the blue fin tuna stalkers, are no longer in the sea. The ocean’s food chain is being drastically altered as a result of overfishing.
Watch doco to learn, what greed is capable of, if anyone dominates and overfishers anything, with only regard to themselves, not sharing with others, sustainably. It’s a fascinating watch into the perils of human nature, greedy tendancies, that aren’t curbed in time. http://www.endoftheline.com/
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Aotearoa New Zealand, Polynesia Asia-Pacific. 3.10.11~