This just in via New York City: Hilary Clinton‘s hair clip is big news, according to some pop cultural analysts.
In today’s world where media audiences are shifting constantly, the rise of the pop cultural analyst is huge, hence the need for The View, or, blogs like this one, to talk about silly things, like Hilary’s on-the-move choice to wear a hair clip, and not check in with a New York hair stylist with a big blo dryer to frou-frou her up.
Here’s Michael K of The Big Apple on this fickle topic because being as fickle as Michael K (and funny with it) is a full time job to amuse America. Me? it’s much easier to copy and paste such bitchiness into this blog. Thanks Michael.
“On The View this morning, one of the crumbs the hens viciously pecked at was the hair clip that Hillary Clinton wore to a meeting at the United Nations this past Sunday. Hillary was there to meet about what’s going on in Pakistan and Haiti, but instead all eyes were focused on the hair clip she fished out of a swap meet discount bin circa 1988. Some moaned that it’s very unprofessional-like for an important politician to wear her hair like my mom about to clean her oven. And others said that she’s the Secretary of State so she can do whatever the hell she wants with her hair.
Personally, the hair clip is my favorite part of Hillary’s whole look. My soul permanently lives in the mid-80s to early 90s, so I love hair clips. The only thing that would’ve made Hillary’s look better is if she was wearing a banana clip, a velvet choker and black suede boots held up with rubber bands. Oh, and a scrunchie around her wrist. Basically, in a perfect world all our politicians would dress like extras from Beverly Hills 90210.”
My thoughts – Mrs Clinton, looks youthful with that hair clip. She’s weave free and happy to show the world her roots. Good for her!
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 9.21.10~
Lady Bouvier
September 22, 2010 at 7:45 am
One needs to be pleased that at least it’s not an instance of Captain Clinton getting it on with one of the Alpha Phi interns, cause if she were we’d quickly wish she was just wearing some annoying blue plastic chopsticks like a Japanese Samurai lord.
S & V