Let’s check out web brilliance again. Peeps with influence on the web, according to Forbes magazine’s rankings are: these clowns! Enjoy checking out their blogs.
1Perez Hilton 2Michael Arrington 3Kevin Rose 4Frank Warren 5Cory Doctorow 6Pete Cashmore 7Beppe Grillo 8Heather Armstrong 9Guy Kawasaki 10Jason Calacanis 11Robert Scoble 12Will Leitch 13Jeff Jarvis 14Wil Wheaton 15Nate Silver 16Om Malik 17Matt Drudge 18Owen Thomas 19Dave Winer 20Seth Godin 21Brian Lam 22Mark Frauenfelder 23Steve Rubel 24John C. Dvorak 25Leo Laporte
One question remains: WHERE IS MICHAEL K’S BRILLIANCE ON THIS LIST? Forbes, if you’re going to list Perez Hilton as number 1, then at least have Michael K in this list at number 2!!!! He’s Perez’s secret teacher, mentor, muse in NYC! Nice Web Celeb choices list tho! Enjoy the surf.