12 Mar

brookeseye would like to congratulate all of the existing and new billionaires this year. May you prosper abundantly so that the world will be a better place.
May what you’ve learnt from this last year, help inform your wise choices this year. May you continue to gain new strength, remembering to extend one hand to the poor and the needy as well as building empire with the other. This is your destiny as global leaders and the weight of history sits upon our shoulders to not only excel as individuals but to provide for nations by creating wealth and opportunity like this generation has never seen emerge before it.

To have love in our hearts is the purpose of every gift, privilege, insight, slight of fortune or temporal misfortunes and also every blessing. As you give may you also be given to. We live in such times where a spirit of empathy and generosity is now necessity for your children to sustain a future on this earth. May we be wise by being rich in love, for regardless of pedigree and prestige, without love we are nothing, except lines written in water. From every corner of the world, together we must unite in common purpose by creating of ourselves a wave that forms a crescendo of momentum’s velocity. A wave, that we created of fresh beginnings that stimulates the Earth for the good of all people and every living creature housed within her.

May you continue to lift the shadow of fear off the nations that sit in the darkness of abandonment and despair, just because you can. May you choose to be mothers and fathers of nations, willingly and with great joy.

Like no other time before us in history, the world needs your light. Get out more, walk amongst all people, create ways in which you can be present and see, feel, smell, taste, listen, emote with and touch the real world that you are called now to own and tend.

You will touch the world with the depth and capacity that lives and breathes in your heart with the hope that is inside You. In such moments, you will pleasantly discover that your heart is truly your most prized asset to give, share, and inspire with. Do not be afraid to share your heart this year, rather be afraid if you miss your true calling at this time in history and don’t.

Every smile you give away and invest, will save lives and hope will arise from it to another that will live on, far beyond your natural alloted years. Nations will sing of your love for them, long after you have gone. Your legacy will live on in the songs, in the history books, in the legends told by fathers to their grandsons, and mothers to their grand daughters. You will not be forgotten for choosing to participate in writing the better history of nations who need your insight and care.

Above all, may you not tire in your noble endeavors by being blessed daily with an outpouring of a renewed Courage To Love. Of this spirit, if you are prepared to do the miraculous and give, there is no end of its rich supply to you and your descendants. To who much is given, much is required. To who so generously does what is required to do, abundance will flow to you, far beyond your projections, expectations, imaginations, organizational prowess and dreams. May the most important dream of all that is hidden in the excited quiver of your heartbeat, now rise to the forefront of your life and very existence. It is a quickening within the heart, and no, it is not because of fear. It is the excitement of hope inside you waiting to manifest itself through your life. Don’t let fear masquerade as being this new heartbeat and rob you of its purpose. It is hope for the world. Live that, now.

The future calls to You. We cannot create it. We must let the future now create us. It is the wisest way forward, with the least amount of pain, heartache of our own resistance if we do not yield to its gentle and yet strong guidance that presses upon us all.

The future says: Release the global economy, do not hold tight within your hand what you have inside your palm out of a sense of fear when it is within your power and capability to do good and lead the world out of darkness. Sow the strategic seeds. If you see an area of need, do not turn your face away, when wisdom has opened your eyes to see. Is the need, not the call to act? Therein lies your field to tend and cultivate a harvest.

You are the eyes of the earth. No one else has insight as good as yours. Be the eyes of the world. This is your purpose. You are the future’s eyes. She sees the world through you. Do not close your eyes on the world’s future. She gave you your platform to see ahead. Be bold in your openness to act on what you see in your mind’s eye and also your vantage point. Leverage it for the good of others. Your next business ventures, lie in the new fields of philanthropy. This is where the new waves of wealth on the earth will be released. They are hidden, but you will find them at the points and destinations where you give and invest into despair and disparity.

If you are not there at your appointed time, how will you see where the new direction of your business ventures and life is meant to be heading? New water in, more than just sustains an existing garden you already have.  New water multiplies opportunity for a greater and more plentiful harvest. As you give to nations outside your own shores, may you find reservoirs of invention, innovation and pure inspiration in the fields that you and your family have determined in your hearts, to diligently sow into. This is the new water promised to you if you give and lead and act.

Nothing is greater than a family who adopts a developing nation at this time. Care and tend for it, as you would a newborn baby into your household. Love this nation to life. Shape her life and character but respect her difference and diversity. This is her gift back to you. Prestige has now moved and shifted to being judged by this sole criteria for billionaires, how you foster emerging nations, simply because the times require it from the wise. Those who tend nations, will still be given to in abundance. Those who do not, will no longer have again before too long. It will be given to another who will do the necessities of the task at hand. Wisdom takes no prisoners, the majority and fairness is who she serves. If wisdom has honored you, then you must work with her and honor her purposes in the world at this time.

Congratulations for all you’ve done for others, both the many seen and the even more numerous unseen things you have done and given already, thank you. For all you have in your heart to do this year, may you find the time, strength and joy to make these things priority and do them. You are the writers of world history. As great as any president, in many cases greater and today I thank and honor you.

Thank you in advance for making the world exciting again. Let’s do it :)


Posted by on March 12, 2009 in Entertainment Celebrity News


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2 Responses to PROSPERITY TO ALL

  1. jim greenleaf

    March 12, 2009 at 4:07 pm



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