Kiwi girl Lucy Lawless and Taylor Lautner both have heat tonight online in Hollywood. Here’s your top ten entertainment and celebrity news posts today. Enjoy.
1. Humor: Lenny Kravitz is a cheeky tweeter
2. Solace: Hollywood fitness guru, Jackie Warner‘s Osmonds tribute from West Hollywood
4. Gaybashing Senators and closeted American lives: Senator Roy Ashburn
5. Robert Pattinson on Jon Stewart Show
6. Simon Cowell wants to be American Idol’s Simon Fuller
7. Megan Fox is a flip flops step-mom in Sunny California
8. Lady Gaga–retro News on Horiwood.Com
9. Taylor Lautner turns down Max Steele role
10. Music: Lady Antebellum singing live
~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 3.5.2010~