01 Feb

I can’t help noticing that the Wall Street Journal is doing some in depth Egypt news coverage at the minute. In particular, WSJ are tracking the political principle of “choose a common enemy to unite others with many differences.” Egypt’s 82 year-old outgoing President Murabek is being used in this way at the moment in the Middle East to unite Islamists, Secularists together in Egypt and the wider Middle East too.

All of a sudden they are able to bury their differences and unite, hopefully for a good cause, in the future of Egypt’s modernization as a nation. Murabek is the common factor, all are citing to move forward.

Syria is reportedly using Egypt as a case study to learn where to relax rules on the important stuff people actually care about in the Middle East, while maintaining the things that most people can agree with in a “new era” thus wisely avoiding future political revolt, in a domino effect of revoultion, if this doesn’t occur within Syria too.

It seems to be quite positive stuff shaping up from the Egypt revolution if you read the WSJ. Unfortunately, the oil price is being driven up, stock markets globally are being impacted by the Egypt news too. If you have your money invested in oil and gold than aren’t you a smart cookie? Expect these two commodity’s value to sky rocket with Egypt’s current news. Ironically these two things are Egypt’s big export things.

Outside of the stock market, when we look at Egypt’s 79 million people in ‘crises of change’, we perhaps realize that their struggle is also our crises too, affecting us all. We are perhaps more globally connected than we all realize at times as Egypt’s news reveals.

~Posted by Horiwood.Com, Hollywood California USA. 1.31.11~


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